/ Explanation of expert opinion tool
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'datalayer.push(arguments);' is unknown. Explanation of expert opinion tool

  1. Is the source of the opinion clearly identified?

To assess an opinion, it is important to locate its source. Ask:

– Are the authors clearly identified (Including their name, their role/ experience /qualifications)?


  1. Does the source of the opinion have standing in the field of expertise?

Determining whether the author is informed or possesses knowledge about a specific subject is a key stage in assessing the credibility of the opinion. Ask

– For health professionals or health researchers, what are their qualifications, current role and other indicators such as fellowships or licensures? Are any allegiances or affiliations with specific organisations or groups known?

– For patients/consumers/advocates, what are their experiences and role?


  1. Are the interests of the relevant population the central focus of the opinion?

The expert opinion should focus on improving outcomes and it is important to determine that the opinion has such a focus. Ask: 

– Does the paper take a position that advantages a profession or a specific institution or body; or financial or political objectives, rather than patients, clients, communities or health gain?


  1. Does the opinion demonstrate a logically defended argument to support the conclusions drawn?

An opinion without a logical argument behind it is difficult to accept as a legitimate guide for practice/action. It is therefore important to look at the degree to which a logical argument to defend the conclusions drawn in the opinion is evident. Ask:

– Does the opinion ‘make sense’ and demonstrate an attempt to justify the stance it takes?

– Is the opinion the result of an analytical process drawing on experience or the literature?

– Does the argument comply with Toulmin’s model for argumentation?


  1. Is there reference to the extant literature?

It is important to determine whether or not the opinion expressed comes from a position of awareness of extant evidence. Ask:

– What extant literature does the author present to support the arguments?


  1. Is any incongruence with the literature/sources logically defended?               

Is there any reference provided in the text to ascertain if the opinion expressed has wider support? Ask:

– Has the author demonstrated awareness of alternate or dominant opinions in the literature?

– Have they provided an informed defence of their position as it relates to other or similar discourses?



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