Log-in to your JBI PACES account

Log-in to your JBI PACES account

Navigate to: MYJBI, which brings you to the login screen:

MYJBI login screen

You now have the following choices:

  1. If you are already a MYJBI user, login with your username and password 

  2. If you have not yet setup a MYJBI profile, click the 'Sign Up' link 

  3. If you have forgotten your password, click the 'Forgot your password?' link

If you ‘Sign up’, you will need to:

  • set your username and password

  • accept the terms and conditions, and

  • click the Sign Up button.

MYJBI Sign Up form

Once you have successfully logged into MYJBI, your dashboard will show a list of subscriptions available. You will be able to scroll down and Launch an active subscription to JBI PACES.

MYJBI Dashboard from which you can Launch PACES

Please follow this Ovid Support article: 

JBI Paces Login Instructions

Please contact your institution's library for guidance.

Considering investing in an institutional subscription for your team?  Institutional subscriptions are managed by our commercial partners Wolters Kluwer, who can be contacted at  wkhealth-support@wolterskluwer.com for more information about pricing, permissions, access, etc. 

Any questions? Please visit the JBI Help Desk for PACES support

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Any questions? Please visit the JBI Help Desk for PACES support