FAQ's - Brighter Futures Grant Program

FAQ's - Brighter Futures Grant Program

Q. Where can I get further information on the JBI Brighter Futures Grant Program?

A. Please review the JBIC Brighter Futures Grant Program Guidelines.

Q. Will the new proposed funding model replace the existing funding model & Matrix?

A. The new funding model will replace the existing funding model, not the JBIC Activity Matrix. The Matrix will remain unchanged (see the JBIC Handbook for further information on the JBIC Activity Matrix).

Q. How often will the grant program be opened for applications?

A. Applications open biennially (every two years).

Q. Will both Centres of Excellence and Affiliated Groups be allowed to apply for funding?

A. Yes.

Q. Some JBIC Entities have no experience with funding applications. Grant writing is time consuming and requires skill and knowledge. This approach may not favour poor writers.

A. We intend to make the grant application process as simple and straightforward as possible. If you require assistance in your grant application, please contact the Grants Manager, Bianca Pilla bianca.pilla@adelaide.edu.au

Q. How will the funding be allocated to each of the Entities involved in the program?

A. JBI will manage payments to all JBIC Entities as specified in the application or project plan i.e. if two or more Entities collaborate on a project, they will be required to determine how much funding each Entity will receive and should invoice JBI accordingly, similar to current invoicing processes.

Q. Who reviews the applications, is it a panel?

A. The JBI Executive group will form the review panel. All projects will be in line with the JBIC Activity Matrix, and these all align to the JBI Divisions, managed by the JBI Executive team. JBI will only consider external review where there may be multiple conflicts of interest noted by the review panel.

Q. Will the funding help accelerate Affiliated group transition to Centre of Excellence?

Hopefully it will help to accelerate more Affiliated Groups to becoming Centres of Excellence, by funding/resourcing current barriers.

 Q. There is a big difference between Entities, some have easy access to researchers’ others are more clinically focused, has that been considered?

A. This model does not change the activities currently conducted by Entities, only how they receive financial support. It will support the full breadth of activities currently being undertaken, which align to the JBIC Activity Matrix.

Q. Will Centres of Excellence and Affiliated groups still exist and how will this fit with the Matrix?

A. Yes. All other benefits and entitlements conferred to Centres of Excellence (i.e. Funding for travel to JBIC meetings, eligibility and funding for Regional Chair positions, subscription to JBI Journals, eligibility to host colloquia and mentor etc.) as documented in the JBIC Handbook will remain.

Q. Does the grant fund travel?

A. Yes, if required for the project.

Q. Does the project have to be novel or new, can it fund what we currently would like to see and do (aligned to Matrix)?

A. It doesn’t have to be novel or new, as long as it aligns with the JBIC Matrix activities and funding domains.

Q. Is there a requirement about where it should be published (i.e. must be published)?

A. JBI Systematic Reviews and Implementation Case Reports should be submitted to a JBI Journal, unless a strong case can be made as to why another Journal is required/advantageous. It is envisaged other publication outputs can be submitted to an appropriate journal of the authors' choice.

Q. Have you considered a platform to connect high income and LMIC Entities with similar interests?

A. Currently we have an Expertise Register which stores information on expertise throughout the JBIC. We cannot make this publicly available due to privacy matters. Please contact the Global Engagement Office with your interests i.e. expertise, region of interest, and we will review the Expertise Register and contact JBIC members/Entities on your behalf, jbic@adelaide.edu.au

Q. A funding proposal may not provide the full amount applied for, how will a project then continue if the funding does not cover the full cost and there is no further support from the host institution?

A. In the application, there will be a question about whether the applicant/s are open to receive partial funding. This is a common question in funding applications. Some projects may lend themselves more naturally to this than others i.e. projects for evidence implementation training where the proposed number of participants is 20, but would accept funding for 10. If applicants select ‘no’ for this question, then it will be assessed only on the full, proposed amount.

Q.  Can you explain the process and purpose of the Expression of Interest?

A: The EOI allows us to see what projects are being planned prior to opening the grant funding application process, and ascertain if there are similar projects being planned by multiple Entities. If there are potential synergies, we will notify the relevant Entities so they may discuss potential collaboration. It also allows us to get an idea of the total amount of funding being requested.

When submitting your EOI you must detail at a minimum a high-level summary of your project topic and focus. You do not have to have all the activities decided or detailed, we understand that you may have further planning as part of your preparation for the grant application.

Q:  With regard to the budget section in the Expression of Interest (EOI), what if the amount requested changes when we submit the application?

A: There is no penalisation if the amount you include in the EOI is not the same as it is in your final application. The reason we are asking for an estimated budget in the EOI is because we would like to get an idea of the total funding being requested by all applicants, and if the total requested funds differ greatly from the available funding pool. If the total funds requested far exceed the grant funding pool, we may suggest to applicants to revise their budgets where possible.

Q: I would like further information on the question in the grant application which asks if we would be open to receive partial funding. What does that mean?

A: When completing the application form, if you select that you are not open to partial funding then we will make our decision on the total amount requested, however if you are open to partial funding then we can possibly offer more grants to more applicants. However, if you cannot fund your project without the total amount you have requested, please do not select ‘yes’ to this question.

Example for selecting that you are open to partial funding: You propose to train twenty people in the JBI evidence implementation training program; however, you could potentially train ten instead. You would select that you are open to partial funding in the grant application because you are flexible on the number of people you would train.

Q: Does the grant funding apply to Evidence Implementation as well as Evidence Synthesis?

A: The grant funding applies to any of the Activities in the JBIC Activity Matrix.

Q. Do we have to collaborate with another JBIC Entity or Organisation? Can one JBIC Entity apply for funding without collaborating with anyone else?

A. You can, however the funding model was partially developed to encourage and address one of the three funding domains: Collaboration, LMIC Capacity Building and Multilingual Activities. Remember that these funding domains are included on the scoring matrix and therefore it is of interest to the applicant to ensure that the project aligns with one of the funding domains. 

Q. Would it be considered collaboration if I worked with another JBIC Entity in the same country?

A. Yes it would. Please note that collaboration is not referring to just a JBIC Entity, collaboration could be conducted with a health facility, or a clinical partner for example. If you are unsure email bianca.pilla@adelaide.edu.au

Q.  Will the Brighter Futures Funding Program fund primary research?

A. Yes. Conforming with the current scope and guidelines of the JBI journals, original and applied research that examines or evaluates, is informed by, or extends JBI methodologies and methods of synthesis, transfer and implementation will be considered for the Brighter Futures grant rounds. Your research project must result in a publication that is within the scope of JBI Evidence Synthesis or JBI Evidence Implementation and is submitted to either Journal by 30 June 2025. Publications will be considered on merit, in the event that your manuscript is not accepted for publication in a JBI Journal, you will be able to submit it for consideration to an alternate journal of your choice. If you are unsure email bianca.pilla@adelaide.edu.au

Q. If a systematic review protocol has already been published, can we apply for funding for conducting the systematic review?

A. No. All projects will officially start as of 1 July 2023; therefore, any projects that are already underway will not be eligible for funding.

Q. What happens if you receive funding, and you submit a systematic review, and the review is rejected?

A. The deliverable is submission, not accepted for publication. The funding is not reliant on a JBIC Entity successfully publishing a systematic review (SR), or implementation report (IR) in either of our journals, the requirement is only that your SR and IR is submitted to either JBI Evidence Synthesis or JBI Evidence Implementation. NOTE: If your SR or IR is not accepted by a JBI journal, you will be able to submit it for consideration to an alternate journal of your choice.

Q.  How is the funding paid?

A. The funding is provided in three tranches.

Payment 1

This is an up-front payment and will be 40% of the proposed amount. It is the responsibility of the JBIC Entity applicant to submit an invoice to the Global Engagement Office

Payment 2

This payment will be 40% of the proposed amount. The money will only be received once an interim report has been submitted to the Global Engagement Office, along with an invoice

Payment 3

A final payment of 20% of the proposed amount. This money will be received once a final report has been submitted to the Global Engagement Office, along with an invoice

Q. What happens if we do not reach the milestones, or complete the proposed project?

A. This will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis as we understand that issues may arise out of the control of the project team. It would be expected that if there were any issues these would have been communicated to Bianca prior to any due dates. New timeframes for the deliverables would then be negotiated between Bianca and the Project Lead. NOTE: If new deadlines are agreed upon, the final payment (payment 3) would not be paid until the project is finalised, and deliverables have been met.

Q. If our grant application is not successful will we receive feedback as to why not.

A. Yes, we will provide feedback to assist you in understanding why your application was not successful. Our goal is to assist everyone during this process, and we understand that some JBIC partners do not have a lot of experience in grant applications, therefore we will provide feedback as part of our support during this time.

Q. Will we receive feedback for the EOI also?

A. Yes, Bianca will be reviewing all EOIs and will provide as much feedback as possible (the more detail provided will result in more comprehensive feedback). Bianca has therefore been excluded from the Grant Review Panel as her role as Grants Manager is a noted conflict of interest.

Q.  If a proposed project does not receive funding via the 2023-2024 Brighter Futures Grant Program, can it be resubmitted as a proposed project in the 2025-2026 funding round.

A. Yes it can. We would hope that the feedback provided would then be considered to improve the application for the 2025-2026 funding round.

Q.  What are the key dates for the application process?

A. Key dates are detailed in the Brighter Futures Grant Program guidelines, as well on the Brighter Futures Grant Program page on the JBI resource portal.

Q. Do we have to have co-funding to be successful in our application?

A. No, co-funding is not included in our scoring matrix, and it is not mandatory.

Q. Can we conduct a systematic review in languages besides English, would this apply to the funding domain – multilingual activities?

A. Systematic reviews cannot be conducted in languages other than English as they are required to be submitted to a JBI Journal. Multilingual activities could include, but are not limited to, translation or copy editing support for systematic review teams that are not native English speakers; translation services for the inclusion of studies in a specific language that is required for a systematic review topic; translation of derivative products into different languages for dissemination (i.e. BPIS, Plain Language Summaries, Policy Briefs etc.).

Q. Can we combine two or more activities from the JBIC Activity Matrix in our grant application?

A. Yes absolutely. We welcome projects which consider the JBI Model in its entirety i.e. evidence synthesis, transfer and implementation. 

Q. Can you provide further clarification on the information provided in the guidelines about on-costs for salaries?

A. On-costs are costs that an employer has for employees that is in addition to their base salary i.e. insurance, long-service levies, superannuation, training etc. If you are including salaries in your budget, and your employer usually includes on-costs as a separate levy, the maximum that is allowed for these costs above the salary rate is 20%.


Base salary

$100,000 x 0.2 (FTE)


On-costs – insurance, levies, annual leave etc

$10,000 x 0.2 (FTE)




Q.  Are you required to have a partner from an LMIC?

A. Entities are not required to collaborate with a partner from an LMIC. There are three funding domains, one of which is LMIC capacity building. Other funding domains include Collaboration and Multilingual activities. It is advisable that your project is aimed at least one of the three funding domains, as these are included in the scoring matrix.

Q. Is there a limit for the total funding amount we can request?

A. Yes, it is capped at AUD$50,000 for each application, noting that the overall funding pool is $380,000.

Q. Can we use non-JBI audit criteria, i.e., custom criteria, when conducting a JBI Evidence Implementation Project using JBI PACES?

A. Yes. If you are conducting a JBI Evidence Implementation project using JBI PACES you can use JBI audit criteria, you can modify JBI audit criteria, or you can import your own custom criteria. The implementation project should however follow JBI methodology, as detailed in the JBI Manual for Evidence Implementation.

Q. To comply with stakeholder engagement, does a stakeholder have to be a large organisation?

A.  No, it could be as simple as involving patients, a clinical partner or other knowledge users. The grant will fund, for example, stipends for the recruitment and involvement of knowledge users.

Q. Is there someone in JBI who could help us with stakeholder engagement?

A. Yes, we do have a new stakeholder engagement working group which is convened by Dr Danielle Pollock. If you would like assistance, please contact Bianca,  bianca.pilla@adelaide.edu.au, and provide some information on your project. Bianca can then organise an introduction if applicable.

Q. Can we apply for funding for more than one systematic review, or project?

A. You can be listed as a co-applicant on as many applications as you have capacity to be involved in; however, you can only submit one application as the Lead Organisation. If you would like to conduct more than one systematic review within the one funding proposal that would be permitted, however it is advisable to consider your team capacity, as you need to successfully meet your deliverables to receive funding.

Q.  Can we apply for funding to develop a dashboard for all stakeholders to disseminate and transfer evidence easily?

A. If the dashboard provided access to JBI systematic reviews, EBP resources or information using JBI methodology that may be considered. However, if it included information mostly from outside of JBI (or did not use JBI methodology) it would not be considered for funding. It should be primarily related to the transfer JBI resources.

Q. Is there a specific topic or theme that JBI wants us to work on?

A. Not for this funding round. We may include specific research topics or priorities in the next funding round, but not for 2023-2024.

Q.  Can we apply for funding to attend, or host a symposium, to disseminate JBI Methodology, or our systematic review or implementation Report?

A. You can, but the cost of attendance/hosting should not be the majority of funding, it could be one part of the project i.e. focused on capacity building or dissemination.  

Q. Can our topic, or the amount of money requested, change from the EOI to the grant application.

A. You cannot change your topic, but you can modify the budget and requested funding.

Q. Do you have to have a dissemination plan as part of the project.

A. It is not required, but it will be looked upon favourably.



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