Social Media Engagement

Social Media Engagement

Through social and digital media JBI aims to: increase engagement with and understanding of stakeholders to exchange ideas on scientific achievements; innovation; experiences; expertise; and impact; expand our network; create a strong, recognisable, trustworthy brand; disseminate knowledge; increase the use of JBI methods, methodology and EBP resources; increase ​readership and citations of publications​; and be a thought leader in the global evidence community​. This simply cannot be achieved without the JBIC. JBI has established a Global Communications Project which includes working with JBIC Entities and individuals to be active and proactive on social and digital media. We are here to support you and work with you to achieve the above aims.  

As such we ask that each JBIC Entity provides us with a best contact for all social media engagement. This may be someone from the Communication Office in your host organisation, or one of your enthusiastic social media users in your team! We will communicate directly with them and provide images and messages to assist them in the role. Of course we also hope that your nominated person will be proactive on social media by posting, retweeting and generally engaging with us. If your team member requires translated social media tiles, or anything else to assist them in their role we are happy to help!

Please contact the JBI Communication Office jbicommunication@adelaide.edu.au