Scientific Writers Program

Scientific Writers Program

Welcome to the JBI Scientific Writers Program

JBI Scientific Writers are an international group of expert authors who have an essential, financially reimbursed role in providing and summarising the latest evidence-based information. To maintain a consistent and rigorous approach to the development of our resources, Scientific Writers are assigned a Field Editor to assist them as they become familiar with JBI methodology, ensuring updated resources present the best available evidence to inform clinical practice.

Scientific Writers follow detailed guidance and search selected databases for recent, relevant, high-quality evidence related to a topic, critically appraise the evidence, update a JBI Evidence Summary in line with the evidence, and outline the process in a technical development report. The updated JBI Evidence Summary then undergoes peer review before being published in the JBI EBP Database.

Benefits of being a JBI Scientific Writer

Being a Scientific Writer is an opportunity to develop skills and expertise in:

  • Searching databases for scientific literature
  • Evaluating the relevance and quality of literature to be included in a JBI Evidence Summary
  • Writing high quality summaries that concisely describe the issue and report the evidence for clinical policy and practice

Potential professional benefits include:

  • Developing a portfolio of work that supports professional development and clinical licensing requirements
  • Being named in evidence-based publications (building your CV)

Become a JBI Scientific Writer

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