Mental Health

Mental Health




Qualifications/Post Nominals

Declared Conflicts of Interest

Dr Amy Finlay

Field Editor


Bachelor Psychological Science, Bachelor Health Science (Honours), Doctor of Philosophy

None to declare

Dr Eimear Muir


College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University, South Australia



Tiago Casaleiro


Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa; Centro de Investigação Interdisiciplinar em Saúde, Instituto de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Registered Nurse, Master of Religious Sciences, Master of Science Nursing


Jocelyn Kernot

Member (on leave until November '23)

Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences, University of South Australia



Henry Bowen


Military and Emergency Services Health Australia

Bachelor of Psychological Science Bacehlor of Health Science (Honors) Doctorate of Philosophy


Pat Dugeon


The University of Western Australia

Bacherlor of Applied Science, Graduate Diploma (Psychology), Doctorate of Philosphy, Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society

None to Declare

Andrea Murphy


Dalhousie University

College of Pharmacy , School of Nursing , Department of Psychiatry

None to Declare

Sharon Lawn


College of Medicine and Public Health, flinders University

Bachelor of Arts, Diploma of Educatoin, Masters of Social Work, Doctorate of Philosophy



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