JBIC Collaborating Entity Staff Administration Policy
Division: Global Relations
1. Introduction
This policy details the establishment and maintenance of all JBI Collaboration (JBIC) administrative records, databases, mail serves and permissions that support the operational needs of JBIC Collaborating Entities. Including:
JBI EBP Resources Special User Access
JBIC internal registers
Email distribution lists
JBI Website Collaborating Entity page
2. Responsibilities
The Global Engagement Office (GEO) is responsible for establishing, maintaining and updating all administrative records and databases pertaining to Affiliated Groups and Centres of Excellence, as outlined in Item 1 above.
JBIC Affiliated Group Convenors and Centre of Excellence Directors are responsible for adhering to the policy and procedure requirements outlined in this document.
3. Policy
Centre and Group members are classified into four different categories, according to their role within the Collaborating Entity, and are accorded varying levels of access to JBI tools, databases and mail serves.
3.1 Group Convenors and Centre Directors
Centre of Excellence Directors and Deputy Directors and Affiliated Group Convenors are responsible for the scientific and administrative leadership of an Entity and its general performance. They ensure key performance indicators are met each year and the Entity has continued sufficient infrastructure to comply with the terms of agreement outlined in the JBI Collaboration Handbook.
Directors and Convenors are self-appointed at the time of application to become a JBI Collaborating Entity. For policies and procedures relating to the nomination, appointment or changes of directorship please refer to the ‘JBIC Collaborating Entity Directorship Policy’.
The GEO has dedicated email lists to enable direct communication with Entity Directors and Convenors as a whole, in addition to internal registers that record their individual and Entity contact details and affiliations.
Directors and Convenors are granted complimentary Special User access to JBI EBP and SUMARI for the duration of their Legal Agreement with JBI.
3.2 Core Staff
Core Staff are those persons integral to the primary activities of any Collaborating Entity. Including, but not limited to, persons with an essential administrative role; lead synthesis or implementation projects; key to delivering educational programs; and are key to fostering and establishing collaborations.
Core staff members would normally work with a Collaborating Entity on an ongoing basis in a defined full time equivalent (FTE) capacity.
Centres of Excellence and Affiliated Groups may nominate up to a maximum of 10 (ten) Core Staff members who are eligible to receive complimentary Special User access to JBI EBP and SUMARI for the duration of their Entity Legal Agreements for core staff only. This access is automatically renewed pending the renewal of an Entity Legal Agreement.
In exceptional cases, JBI may recognise additional Core Staff where the Entity Director or Convenor has written to the Global Engagement Office indicating why a specific individual should be recognised as a core staff member above the stated maximum.
3.3 Adjunct Staff
Adjunct Staff members from Affiliated Groups or Centres of Excellence are welcome at any time, and will be listed on Collaborating Entity web pages under the heading ‘Adjunct Membership’. Adjunct Staff members are those persons that work with a Collaborating Entity for project-specific activities that are time-bound or are an honorary appointment to recognise particular persons for an important affiliation with the organisation. Adjunct membership confers no specific benefits other than the ability to remain on the entity webpage, mailing lists and stay up to date with JBI activities and events.
3.4 Students
Centre or Group Students are those persons who have completed the JBI Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program (CSRTP) or the Evidenced-based Clinical Fellowship Program (EBCFP). Students receive a one-year subscription to SUMARI when they enrol in the latter courses as a part of their registration fee. Any other Students that are affiliated with Centres of Excellence or Affiliated Groups who have not completed CSRTP or EBCFP must purchase an individual subscription to SUMARI through JBI when required. Students will not be listed on JBI Collaborating Entity webpages.
4. Procedures
4.1 Email List
The GEO Administrative Officer will request the most suitable email addresses from the Director/Convenor and Deputy Director upon initial set up of the Collaborating Entity to add to the JBIC mail serves.
Should there be any changes to the directorship of a Collaborating Entity, it is the responsibility of the Director/Convenor to notify the Global Engagement Office at jbic@adelaide.edu.au so that the mail serves can be updated accordingly.
4.2 Special Users
Collaborating Entities may nominate up to a maximum of 10 (ten) Core staff to receive Special User Access to JBI Tools and Resources via the WKH Ovid platform.
To set up access for new Core Staff, the Director/Convenor is required to complete the JBIC Entity Administration Form and email to the GEO Administrative Officer for processing jbic@adelaide.edu.au.
Current Core Staff are granted special user access to the JBI EBP Database through Wolters Kluwer Health and SUMARI via MYJBI for the duration of their Entity Legal Agreement. Each Core Staff member will be emailed individual login details.
Should there be any changes to a Centre/Group’s Core Staff list, it is the responsibility of the Director/Convenor to notify the Global Engagement Office jbic@adelaide.edu.au using the JBIC Entity Administration Form.
4.3 Entity Webpage on jbi.global
The GEO Administrative Officer is responsible for maintaining the information on the JBI Collaboration page of the JBI Website jbi.global. Each Collaborating Entity has its own sub-section listing Centre/Group details, including leadership, Core and Adjunct staff members, background and scientific focus.
The GEO Administrative Officer will request information for the Centre/Group’s web page from the Director/Group Convenor upon initial set up of the Collaboration Entity to add to the JBI website.
Should there be any changes to the existing Entity information i.e. new or resigned Core Staff, change of address etc. it is the responsibility of the Director/Convenor to notify the Global Engagement Office jbic@adelaide.edu.au so that their web page can be updated.
Only current staff members will be listed on Entity webpages.
5. Associated Documents
6. Document Control
Date | Version | Comments/ Change Description | Author/s | Approved by | Review Date |
Aug 9, 2016 | 0.1 Draft | Policy | @Bianca Pilla | ||
Aug 10, 2016 | 0.2 Draft | Procedures | Adriana Turner | ||
Aug 17, 2016 | 1.0 Final | @Bianca Pilla | @Craig Lockwood | Aug 17, 2018 | |
Aug 1, 2018 | 1.1 Draft | Update to reflect new terminology and JBI workforce plan i.e. Global Engagement Office | @Bianca Pilla | ||
Aug 7, 2018 | 2.0 Final | @Bianca Pilla | Aug 7, 2020 | ||
Oct 8, 2018 Jan 21, 2021 | 3.0 Final 4.0 Final | Update to Global Relations Division Entity Staff Administration form name change; regional mail serves removed | @Bianca Pilla @Bianca Pilla | @Bianca Pilla @Bianca Pilla | Jan 19, 2022 |