This section should begin with an overall conclusion based on the results. The conclusions drawn should match the review objective/question.
Implications for practice
Where evidence is of a sufficient level, appropriate recommendations should be made. The implications must be based on the documented results, not reviewer opinion. Recommendations must be clear, concise and unambiguous, and assigned a JBI Grade of Recommendation. This will be based on a consideration of the conclusions (whether a mixture of unequivocal, credible or not supported), and be reported as Grade A (a ‘strong’ recommendation) or Grade B (a ‘weak’ recommendation). (The Joanna Briggs Institute, 2014)
Implications for research
All implications for research must be derived from the results of the review, based on identified gaps, or on areas of weakness in the literature such as professional credibility of the authors. Implications for research should avoid generalized statements calling for further research, but should be linked to specific issues (such as longer follow up periods). Recommendations must be clear, concise and unambiguous.