As detailed in the protocol, the inclusion criteria used to determine consideration for inclusion should be stated.
Types of participants
There should be details about the type of individuals targeted including characteristics (e.g. age range), condition/diagnosis or health care issue (e.g. administration of medication in rural areas and the setting/s in which the individuals are being managed). Again the decisions about the types of participants should have been justified in the background.
Types of interventions/phenomena of interest
There should be a list of all the interventions or phenomena of interest examined. In some cases it may be appropriate to list categories of interventions. This section should be concise as the background section provides the opportunity to describe the main aspects.
It is important to consider the context, or the consequences (impact) that will be the focus of the review.
Types of publications
This section should flow from the background. There should be a statement about the target type of text and opinion, e.g. medicine, nursing, physical therapy, education, psychology, sociology, etc.