JBI SUMARI: Creating a project | JBI SUMARI: Inviting participants to a project | JBI SUMARI: Creating the protocol |
JBI SUMARI: Importing the studies | JBI SUMARI: Importing studies from Endnote | JBI SUMARI: Importing studies from Medline Ovid |
Setting up the rules for study screening | JBI SUMARI: Title and abstract screening | JBI SUMARI: Full text screening |
JBI SUMARI: Merging studies | JBI SUMARI: Editing studies | JBI SUMARI: Exporting the results of study screening |
JBI SUMARI: Critical appraisal | JBI SUMARI: Exporting the results of critical appraisal | JBI SUMARI: Data extraction |
JBI SUMARI: Exporting the results of data extraction | JBI SUMARI: Comparative meta-analysis | JBI SUMARI: Proportional meta-analysis |
JBI SUMARI: Qualitative synthesis | JBI SUMARI: Finalising and exporting your review | |