About JBI
JBI is a not-for-profit research and development centre within the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Adelaide with more than 70 Collaborating Entities across the world. The organisation and its collaborators are driven by a united desire to contribute to the improvement of health outcomes globally and to support and recognise organisations and individuals driven to practice and promote healthcare informed by the highest quality and most up to date evidence.
Better evidence. Better outcomes. Brighter future.
Promoting and supporting evidence-based healthcare.
In undertaking this mission, JBI is guided by core values that include mutual respect between nations, professions and cultures, professionalism and ethical conduct; and a robust and transparent approach to the production of high quality, accurate information for health professionals and citizens internationally.
Organisations and individuals endorsed by JBI are at the forefront of cultural change in the healthcare industry and each member of this important network is critical to helping us achieve our vision and mission.
The JBI Endorsement Program is based on the premise that through collaboration, cooperation and the exchange of ideas, challenges to the provision of feasible, effective, appropriate, and meaningful healthcare can be met and conquered.
As such, JBI Endorsement is more than a mark of honour, it is an opportunity to be a part of JBI’s global evidence-based healthcare mission.
I trust that you will find your experience of collaboration with us as a JBI Endorsed Organisation a fruitful and rewarding one, and I look forward to working with you as part of this diverse and innovative group.
Professor Zoe Jordan
Executive Director, JBI