This section should focus on methodological quality as determined by the JBI critical appraisal checklist for Systematic Reviews and Research Syntheses (see Appendices 10.1 and 10.2). There should be a narrative summary of the overall methodological quality of the included studies, which can be supported (optional) by a table showing the overall results of the critical appraisal (see Table 10.1 for example). Where only few studies are identified, or there are specific items of interest from included studies, these should be addressed in the narrative also, particularly where studies were deficient, or particularly good. i.e. with clear narrative regarding risk of bias/rigor of included studies. Use of N/A should also be justified in the text. Importantly, in a JBI Umbrella Review, it is important to present to the reader with clear indication of the quality of the included original research studies in each of the systematic reviews or research syntheses that are included in the Umbrella Review. This will have an impact on the interpretation and implications for practice and research and must be noted with clarity to the reader of the review in the body of the report. This detail will appear in the appended Table of Included Study Characteristics (see above).
Table 10.1: Critical appraisal results for included studies