This section of the review should include details of the types of data extracted from the included studies. If no data was available for particular outcomes, that should also be discussed. Standardized data extraction tools allow the extraction of the same types of data across the included studies and are recommended for JBI systematic reviews. The included studies may include several outcomes; however, the review should focus on extracting information related to the research questions and outcomes of interest. Information that may impact upon the generalizability of the review findings such as study methods, setting and population characteristics should also be extracted and reported. Population characteristics include factors such as age, past medical history, co-morbidities, complications or other potential confounders. JBI aims to reduce errors in data extraction by using two independent reviewers and a standardized data extraction instrument. The data extraction tool used must be appended to the review.
The data collection should include the following items and a brief description is provided for each item (A data extraction form has been appended (Appendix II) with the following items listed):
Study details
Reviewer – Mostly includes details or ID of the primary reviewer.
Study ID/Record Number - is a numeric code to identify the study from which the effect size estimate was obtained
Date – the date when this data extraction form was filled
Study title – the full title of the study
Author - This is an alphabetic or character code which is usually the first few characters of the primary study author's name. This serves as an easy way to identify the study in the bibliography
Year – the year of publication
Journal – the journal in which the article was published
Study Method
Aims of the study – as stated in the report
Setting – may refer to hospital or community or aged care facility. May also refer to rural/urban etc.
Study design – briefly describing the type of study design. For e.g. if it is a randomised controlled trial or quasi-randomised controlled trial
Follow-up or study duration – any details on the duration of the study or follow-up of the participants
Subject characteristics – Includes age, sex, country/location, sample size, diagnosis and other relevant characteristics.
Dependent variable -
Outcomes – the primary outcome measured and where relevant includes associated secondary outcomes.
Outcome measurements – describe the scales or tools used to measure the outcomes. For e.g. a standardised pain scale to measure pain.
Ethical approval – yes/no
Method of data analysis
Prevalence n/N (%)
Proportion and 95% Confidence Intervals
Incidence n/N (%)
Proportion and 95% Confidence Intervals and duration of recruitment or the study