There are several required appendices for a JBI review:
Appendix 1: Search strategy
A detailed and complete search strategy for all of the major databases and other sites and sources searched must be appended. Major databases that were searched must be identified, including the search platform used where necessary. All search filters with logic employed should be displayed, including the number of records returned.
Appendix 2: Data extraction instrument
The data extraction instrument used must be appended i.e JBI SUMARI Data Extraction Form for Interpretive & Critical Research.
Appendix 3: List of excluded studies
Studies excluded following examination of the full-text should be listed along with their reason for exclusion at that stage (i.e. a mismatch with the inclusion criteria). This may be as a separate appendix or itemized in some fashion within the one appendix with those studies excluded at the critical appraisal stage. Reasons for exclusion following appraisal should be provided for each study (these reasons should relate to the methodological quality of the study, not study eligibility).
Appendix 4: Table of included study characteristics
A table of included studies is required to provide quick reference to important details extracted from of the studies included in the review.
Appendix 5: Findings and illustrations
An appendix presenting findings and their supporting illustrations (Not-supported findings must be included in this appendix, but must have ‘Not-Supported’ in place of the illustration) with levels of credibility and their citation/reference should be provided if this material is not already presented in the body of the review report.