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nameGlossary of Terms

JBI Glossary of Terms


The JBI Glossary of Terms has been developed by representatives of each division within JBI and approved by the JBI Executive Group. When referring to any JBI program, product, service, activity or general term you should consult the below table to ensure the correct spelling, definition and promotional message (where relevant) is used. 

Click on a heading below to read a full definition of the term and a description of how it should be worded in promotional messaging.

JBI Glossary of Terms


The JBI Glossary of Terms has been developed by representatives of each division within JBI and approved by the JBI Executive Group. When referring to any JBI program, product, service, activity or general term you should consult the below table to ensure the correct spelling, definition and promotional message (where relevant) is used. 

Click on a heading below to read a full definition of the term and a description of how it should be worded in promotional messaging.






Promotional Message (for programs, products, services  only)




B  -------------------------------


Best Practice Information Sheets.


Brief, clinically focused overviews of the key methods and findings of high quality JBI reviews with a focus on supporting clinical care and decision-making


C  -------------------------------




CAN-IMPLEMENT© is an online resource that provides a practical guide to assist individuals and groups engage in adapting existing evidence-based practice guidelines used within their institution or community. 


The interactive manual provides practical guidance on how to adapt existing guidelines and recommendations for individual hospitals and communities and how to implement them. CAN-IMPLEMENT was developed as a practical guide to assist users who have made the strategic decision to adapt quality existing guidelines to their local context. The resource is useful for any guideline developer or adaptor, and is particularly geared towards those with less guideline development experience. Originally developed by the Canadian Guideline Adaption Study Group, this pragmatic and useful initiative is now available as part of the JBI EBP Suite of Resources on OvidSP


Clinical Fellows


Participants who completed the Evidence-based Clinical Fellowship Program (now Evidence Implementation Training Program) are referred to as Clinical Fellows of JBI.


Clinical Leadership Workshop


A one-day workshop that provides participants with information and practical techniques to create a more positive, personal and professional culture back in their workplace. It also helps participants to identify strategies that will assist in managing difficult behaviour, building productive teams and implementing change, thereby enabling effective leadership of projects and people.


Tagline: Unlock your leadership potential
Equips health professionals with the knowledge and tools required to be effective clinical leaders. This workshop is based on JBI's history over the past 20 years, together with the best available evidence regarding clinical leadership.


Clinical Online Network of Evidence for Care and Therapeutics (COnNECT+)


COnNECT+ is JBI's web-based facility that provides users with resources and tools to search, appraise, summarise, embed, utilise and evaluate evidence-based information.


Collaborating Entity


A JBI Centre of Excellence or a JBI Affiliated Group. Also referred to as a 'JBIC Entity'.


Always 'Centre' (not Center) when referring to a 'Centre of Excellence';  Always Collaborating Entity (capitalised);Use 'Entities' as a generic term, not 'Centres' (as JBI has Centres AND Groups). 


Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program (CSRTP)


A one, three or five day program which incorporates both theory and hands on experience so that participants learn how to develop a focused question, search for relevant literature, appraise and synthesise evidence arising from research. By the end of the program participants complete a protocol and are ready to commence their review.


Prepares researchers and clinicians to develop, conduct and report  systematic reviews in order to provide the strongest possible evidence to inform decision making or clinical guidelines in healthcare.


 Never 'systematic review training', i.e. always include 'Comprehensive'


Consultancy Services


The skills and expertise of JBI staff are provided in return for remuneration from an external funder.  Consultancy may cover activities such as expert opinion, analysis and process development. A research consultancy may result from a tender or individual negotiation.


Critical Appraisal Tools


JBI critical appraisal tools aid in the process of assessing the trustworthiness, relevance and results of published papers.


E  -------------------------------


Editorial Manager®


The online submission and review system for JBI Evidence Synthesis 


Editorial Advisory Board


JBI Evidence Synthesis is governed by an international editorial advisory board comprising leading practitioners and researchers within evidence-based healthcare from around the world. The role of the editorial advisory board is to guide the development of the journal and its future direction including the provision of advice and feedback on journal editorial policies, processes and content. Members of the editorial advisory board also advocate for the journal and promote its content; conduct periodical reviews of manuscripts submitted to the journal; and provide expert methodological and/or topical advice to the Editor-in-Chief on editorial issues.


Effective Start Date (Entity Agreement)


The date that the Entity Agreement legally begins (normally 1st January following the signing date).


Entity Affiliation


Full Entity name as per the Entity Agreement listed in required documents and databases (i.e. in the author affiliation on all publications and in peer reviewer Editorial Manager profiles).


Entity Agreement


The Collaborating Entity Legal Agreement signed between the University of Adelaide (for JBI) and the Entity host organisation.


Evidence Implementation 


Evidence implementation is a purposeful and enabling set of activities designed to engage key stakeholders with research evidence to inform decision-making and generate sustained improvement in the quality of healthcare delivery. Components include a context analysis, the facilitation of practice change and evaluation of process and outcome.


Evidence Summaries


A JBI Evidence Summary is a comprehensive, concise, overview of the best clinical care practices that are updated annually.  Each Summary includes a clinically focused question; a brief summary of key points of evidence;an overview of the quality and level of evidence; and a series of key recommendations.


Evidence Synthesis


Evidence synthesis is the evaluation or analysis and collation of research evidence and opinion on a specific topic to aid in decision-making in health care. Components include systematic reviews, evidence summaries and guidelines.


Evidence Transfer


Evidence transfer is the coactive, participatory process to advance access to and uptake of evidence in local contexts. It is a causal phenomenon consisting of factors that enable, facilitate and support evidence implementation that is more than just a single interaction. It incorporates active dissemination, systems integration and education.  


Evidence Implementation Training Program (EITP)


The JBI Evidence Implementation Training Program (EITP) is a six-month program which involved two five-day intensive training workshops at JBI and a six-month evidence-based implementation project.  Participants develop and engage in processes to further develop their leadership skills and strengths, conduct clinical audits, develop and execute strategies to implement evidence-based practice in their own work environment.


Provides clinicians, managers, policy makers and quality managers in healthcare with proven approaches to implementing evidence into practice. 


 Always Evidence-based (lowercase 'b')


Evidence-based Healthcare (EBHC)


Process of using evidence to inform healthcare practices. JBI defines evidence-based healthcare as decision-making that considers the feasibility, appropriateness, meaningfulness and effectiveness of healthcare practices. The best available evidence, the context in which care is delivered, the individual patient and the professional judgement and expertise of the health professional inform this process.


Always Evidence-based (lowercase 'b'); Always 'Healthcare' (one word)


Evidence-based Recommended Practices


Step-by-step reliable evidence-based best practice standards and principals designed by clinicians for clinicians across clinical specialties in acute care, long-term care and rehabilitation therapy.


Expert Reference Group (ERG)


Expert Reference Groups support the JBI COnNECT+ and JBI EBP Database specialities. Each group consists of national and/or international members with experience and expertise in a speciality. Entry is by invitation, either by the Chair or JBI. Expert Reference groups meet up to four times per year via teleconference, and provide review / feedback on database content. 


F  -------------------------------


Field Collaborators


JBI Field Collaborators are a global community where the members play an integral role in developing and reviewing evidence-based resources that sit within the JBI EBP Database. As a professional activity, the program enables members to engage and collaborate with international experts within their selected field and contribute to the development of evidence-based resources for health professionals.


Foundation Evidence-based Clinical Fellowship Program


JBI offers four Evidence-based Clinical Fellowship Programs each year, with one open only to health professionals of outstanding merit from low and lower-middle income countries (LMIC) who are fully sponsored by the Joanna Briggs Foundation (JBF) to travel to Adelaide and work closely with JBI staff.


The Foundation EBCFP is tailored for each participant and provides the framework for key medical staff from LMIC to learn and use JBI methodologies and approaches to implement evidence in practice. JBI staff mentor each participant as they learn how to implement an evidence-based project to improve health care in their own work environment. In this way, JBI works towards its vision of a world in which the best available evidence is used to inform decision making at the point of care to improve health outcomes in communities globally. 


Fellows of this program are referred to as 'Foundation Fellows'.


G  -------------------------------


GRADE Workshop


Is a 1-day workshop  designed for systematic reviewers, guideline developers and others wanting to learn more about GRADE methodology, particularly the creation of Summary of Findings tables and Evidence Profiles. The course includes theory along with hands-on activities.


The GRADE approach reflects ‘best practice’ in terms of clinical guideline development and has been endorsed by organisations across the globe.


H  -------------------------------


I  -------------------------------


J  -------------------------------




JBI is an international research organisation based in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Adelaide, South Australia. JBI develops and delivers unique evidence-based information, software, education and training designed to improve healthcare practice and health outcomes.


JBIC Activity Matrix 


A framework that details the core and elective activities that JBIC Entities may undertake to maintain their JBI Collaborating Entity membership.


JBI Adelaide GRADE Centre


As the first GRADE Centre in Australia and New Zealand, the Centre is a central hub of GRADE related research and teaching in the region.  The Centre offers training in GRADE methods and contributes to the scientific development of GRADE methods.


JBI Buzz


JBI Buzz is a monthly newsletter which contains news stories from around the world relating to JBI and the JBI Collaboration; listing of JBI tools, resources and publications; and a global calendar of events that are hosted by JBI and Collaborating Entities.


JBI Collaboration (JBIC)


The JBI Collaboration (JBIC), is an international group of self-governing Collaborating Entities, initiated and coordinated through JBI, that promotes the synthesis, transfer and utilisation of evidence through identifying feasible, appropriate, meaningful, and effective healthcare practices to assist in the improvement of healthcare outcomes globally


JBI EBP Database (Ovid)


JBI's Evidence-based Practice Database is an online resource for healthcare professionals to rapidly access up to date high quality, reliable evidence on a wide range of clinical, andpolicy topics at the point of care, including 4500+ JBI Evidence Summaries, Recommended Practices and Best Practice Information Sheets (BPIS)


The JBI EBP Database available via OvidSP covers a wide range of medical, nursing, and health science specialties and includes a unique suite of information that’s been analysed, appraised, and prepared by expert reviewers at JBI so that health professionals can integrate the world’s best evidence into practice. The complete evidence-based practice content set includes:

  • Evidence Summaries

  • Evidence–based Recommended Practices

  • Best Practice Information Sheets



JBI Endorsement 


JBI Endorsement is a recognition awarded to healthcare organisations that demonstrate commitment to evidence-based healthcare and an organisational-wide culture of innovation and excellence.


JBI Endorsement can help provide your hospital, nursing home, clinic, or other healthcare service with the standards it needs to garner status as an organisation with the highest-quality healthcare practices.

As a JBI Endorsed organisation, not only will your organisation

demonstrate credibility to patients, clients, practitioners and

stakeholders but it will also benefit from a variety of other perks as a part of JBI’s global movement in evidence-based healthcare


Always refer to 'endorsed' or 'endorsement' as 'JBI Endorsed' and 'JBI Endorsement'


JBI Evidence Synthesis (JBI Journal)


JBI Evidence Synthesis is an official journal of JBI. It is an international peer-reviewed, online journal that publishes manuscripts encompassing evidence synthesis and healthcare. JBI Evidence Synthesis seeks to disseminate rigorous, high-quality research that provides the best available evidence to inform policy and practice through the science and conduct of systematic and scoping reviews. The journal publishes systematic and scoping review protocols, diverse types of systematic reviews, and scoping reviews covering multi-disciplinary healthcare-related topics that follow methodology and methods developed by JBI. The journal also publishes editorials, letters to the editor as well as original applied research and discussion papers examining synthesis methods. JBI Evidence Synthesis does not accept systematic reviews of in vitro or animal studies.


Never abbreviate the Journal in any external documentation or correspondence


JBI Helpdesk


A platform where JBI can easily receive, track, manage, and resolve support requests from users of our software, JBI SUMARI & JBI PACES


JBI Implementation Case Study


A JBI Implementation Case Study is one that follows JBI methodology and methods and utilises the JBI Practical Application of Clinical Evidence System (JBI-PACES) and is published in JBI Evidence Synthesis


JBI Methodology Groups


JBI Methodology Groups examine JBI methodologies in relation to the conduct of systematic reviews of different evidence types.


JBI Mission


To synthesise, transfer and facilitate the implementation of the best available evidence related to the feasibility, appropriateness, meaningfulness and effectiveness of health policy and practice.


JBI Model


The JBI Model of Evidence-based Healthcare was developed in 2005 and updated in 2016. The inner circle represents the pebble of knowledge while the “inner wedges” provide the Institutes conceptualisation of the steps involved in the process of achieving an evidence-based approach to clinical decision-making. The “outer wedges” operationalise the component parts of the model and articulate how they might be actioned in a pragmatic way.


JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis


The JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis is designed to provide authors with a comprehensive guide to conducting JBI systematic reviews. It describes in detail the process of planning, undertaking and writing up a systematic review of qualitative, quantitative,  economic, text and opinion based evidence. It also outlines JBI support mechanisms for those doing review work and opportunities for publication and training. The JBI Reviewers Manual should be used in conjunction with the JBI SUMARI Tutorials and FAQs.


JBI Systematic Review


A JBI Systematic Review follows JBI methodology for guidance and reports. There are currently 10 different types of JBI systematic reviews.


JBI Systematic Review Protocol


A JBI systematic review protocol describes the rationale, hypothesis, and planned methods of the review, follows JBI methodology and methods; utilises JBI- SUMARI; and is published in JBI Evidence Synthesis. It should be prepared before a review is started and used as a guide to carry out the review. Detailed protocols should be developed a priori, made publicly available, and registered in a registry such as PROSPERO.


JBI Trainers Portal


The JBI trainers portal is a repository for current teaching materials, guidance and resources for the CSRTP and EITP. It is only for accredited JBI trainers who are active members of the JBI Global Training Network.


JBI Vision


Better Evidence, Better Outcomes, Brighter Future.


JBIC Core Staff


JBIC Core Staff are those persons that are integral to the primary activities of any JBIC Entity. Including, but not limited to, persons that have an essential administrative role; that lead synthesis or implementation projects; that are key to delivering educational programs; and are key to fostering and establishing collaborations. Core staff members would normally work with a Collaborating Entity on an ongoing basis in a defined FTE capacity.


JBIC Entity


See 'Collaborating Entity'


JBIC Resource Portal


Stores information and documents for the use of the JBIC.  JBIC Resource Portal


N  -------------------------------




The JBI COnNECT+ clinical database and JBI EBP Database via Ovid SP are indexed by speciality healthcare and practice areas. Each speciality has a JBI academic lead and is supported by an Expert Reference Group and Corresponding Reference Group.


O  -------------------------------


Online Courses


JBI offers a range of educational online courses that are accredited for Continuing Professional Development in the USA. These courses include JBI Best Practice Interactive Clinical Courses, JBI Advanced Courses for Experienced Researchers and Evidence-based Practice Core Concept Courses.


JBI offers a range of educational courses online via our partner Wolters Kluwer Health. These courses are accredited continuing professional development courses in the USA.


P  -------------------------------


Practical Application of Clinical Evidence System (PACES)


JBI's online program to assist with clinical audit and practice change.


Postgraduate Research Degrees - Master of Clinical Science (Evidence-based Healthcare)


A postgraduate research degree that aims to train students in research methodologies and techniques specific to the needs of evidence-based healthcare, as well as the critical evaluation of evidence and research.


A research degree for training in research methodologies and techniques associated with evidence-based healthcare and in the critical evaluation of evidence and research offering supervision for candidates interested in skill development in: searching for; appraising; extracting and synthesising evidence; in conducting systematic reviews; and in translating evidence into action in health policy and clinical practice. 


Postgraduate Research Degrees – Doctor of Philosophy PhD (Evidence-based Healthcare)


A postgraduate research degree that aims to train independent researchers with the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to become active, independent contributors to the global development of evidence-based healthcare. 


 Successful PhD candidates are recognised for their capacity to contribute to evidence-based healthcare as demonstrated through their completion of a program of research on aspects of collaboration, synthesis, transfer and/or implementation science. The knowledge generated assists to inform current global trends, debates and knowledge in the field, and candidates are readily recognised for their contribution to knowledge via the JBI PhD program. All PhD students are offered supervisory support from scientific and research staff of JBI.




An International prospective register of systematic reviews.


R  -------------------------------


Rapid Appraisal Protocol internet database (RAPid)


JBI's online critical appraisal tool allowing submission of a completed paper to be peer reviewed.


Recommended Practices (RP)


Recommended practices are evidence-based procedures, that provide clear, step-by-step description for clinical practice across a wide range of care procedures.  JBI RP's are developed by an expert clinical review panel to confirm clinical relevance and currency.


Registered Titles


A list of registered systematic reviews that are currently underway.


S  -------------------------------


Scientific Writers


JBI Scientific Writers are persons external to the institute who play an integral role in updating JBI Evidence Summaries. Scientific Writers usually have a background in health and have applied to become a scientific writer for JBI. They are renumerated for updating evidence summaries. Scientific Writers become named updaters of the published Evidence Summaries


 Scientific Writers, facilitated by JBI Research Fellows, assist with updating Evidence Summaries. This work is performed remotely, at your own pace, and is tailored to suit your availability. Scientific Writers become named updaters of the published Evidence Summaries, have opportunity to learn JBI methods for rapid reviews of literature, gain skills in writing evidence-based healthcare content, and get paid a stipend based on the content they update.


Signing Date (Entity Agreement)


The date of execution by the last Party to the Entity Agreement


System for the Unified Management of the Assessment and Review of Information (SUMARI)


JBI SUMARI is an online software program that provides end-to-end support for researchers and health professionals to conduce a systematic review from anywhere in the world, facilitating 10 different types of systematic reviews from protocol to report


Pronounced 'summary'


T  -------------------------------


Train-the-Trainer: CSRTP


The JBI Train-theTrainer: CSRTP is designed to enable JBI Collaborating Entity staff to become accredited trainers,  to deliver the  CSRTP in a manner that maintains consistency in the teaching and learning processes employed, and to help ensure that trainers uphold the reputation and standing of JBI.


Train-the-Trainer: EITP (previously EBCFP)


The JBI Train-the-Trainer: EITP is designed to enable JBI Collaborating Entity staff to become accredited trainers,  to deliver the EICP in a manner that maintains consistency in the teaching and learning processes employed, and to help ensure that trainers uphold the reputation and standing of JBI.


W  -------------------------------


Wolters Kluwer Health/ Ovid


The global commercial distributor of JBI's Evidence-based practice resources and tools and JBI online educational courses. 

JBI Glossary of Terms


The JBI Glossary of Terms has been developed by representatives of each division within JBI and approved by the JBI Executive Group. When referring to any JBI program, product, service, activity or general term you should consult the below table to ensure the correct spelling, definition and promotional message (where relevant) is used. 

Click on a heading below to read a full definition of the term and a description of how it should be worded in promotional messaging.






Promotional Message (for programs, products, services  only)




B  -------------------------------


Best Practice Information Sheets.


Brief, clinically focused overviews of the key methods and findings of high quality JBI reviews with a focus on supporting clinical care and decision-making


C  -------------------------------




CAN-IMPLEMENT© is an online resource that provides a practical guide to assist individuals and groups engage in adapting existing evidence-based practice guidelines used within their institution or community. 


The interactive manual provides practical guidance on how to adapt existing guidelines and recommendations for individual hospitals and communities and how to implement them. CAN-IMPLEMENT was developed as a practical guide to assist users who have made the strategic decision to adapt quality existing guidelines to their local context. The resource is useful for any guideline developer or adaptor, and is particularly geared towards those with less guideline development experience. Originally developed by the Canadian Guideline Adaption Study Group, this pragmatic and useful initiative is now available as part of the JBI EBP Suite of Resources on OvidSP


Clinical Fellows


Participants who completed the Evidence-based Clinical Fellowship Program (now Evidence Implementation Training Program) are referred to as Clinical Fellows of JBI.


Clinical Leadership Workshop


A one-day workshop that provides participants with information and practical techniques to create a more positive, personal and professional culture back in their workplace. It also helps participants to identify strategies that will assist in managing difficult behaviour, building productive teams and implementing change, thereby enabling effective leadership of projects and people.


Tagline: Unlock your leadership potential
Equips health professionals with the knowledge and tools required to be effective clinical leaders. This workshop is based on JBI's history over the past 20 years, together with the best available evidence regarding clinical leadership.


Clinical Online Network of Evidence for Care and Therapeutics (COnNECT+)


COnNECT+ is JBI's web-based facility that provides users with resources and tools to search, appraise, summarise, embed, utilise and evaluate evidence-based information.


Collaborating Entity


A JBI Centre of Excellence or a JBI Affiliated Group. Also referred to as a 'JBIC Entity'.


Always 'Centre' (not Center) when referring to a 'Centre of Excellence';  Always Collaborating Entity (capitalised);Use 'Entities' as a generic term, not 'Centres' (as JBI has Centres AND Groups). 


Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program (CSRTP)


A one, three or five day program which incorporates both theory and hands on experience so that participants learn how to develop a focused question, search for relevant literature, appraise and synthesise evidence arising from research. By the end of the program participants complete a protocol and are ready to commence their review.


Prepares researchers and clinicians to develop, conduct and report  systematic reviews in order to provide the strongest possible evidence to inform decision making or clinical guidelines in healthcare.


 Never 'systematic review training', i.e. always include 'Comprehensive'


Consultancy Services


The skills and expertise of JBI staff are provided in return for remuneration from an external funder.  Consultancy may cover activities such as expert opinion, analysis and process development. A research consultancy may result from a tender or individual negotiation.


Critical Appraisal Tools


JBI critical appraisal tools aid in the process of assessing the trustworthiness, relevance and results of published papers.


E  -------------------------------


Editorial Manager®


The online submission and review system for JBI Evidence Synthesis 


Editorial Advisory Board


JBI Evidence Synthesis is governed by an international editorial advisory board comprising leading practitioners and researchers within evidence-based healthcare from around the world. The role of the editorial advisory board is to guide the development of the journal and its future direction including the provision of advice and feedback on journal editorial policies, processes and content. Members of the editorial advisory board also advocate for the journal and promote its content; conduct periodical reviews of manuscripts submitted to the journal; and provide expert methodological and/or topical advice to the Editor-in-Chief on editorial issues.


Effective Start Date (Entity Agreement)


The date that the Entity Agreement legally begins (normally 1st January following the signing date).


Entity Affiliation


Full Entity name as per the Entity Agreement listed in required documents and databases (i.e. in the author affiliation on all publications and in peer reviewer Editorial Manager profiles).


Entity Agreement


The Collaborating Entity Legal Agreement signed between the University of Adelaide (for JBI) and the Entity host organisation.


Evidence Implementation 


Evidence implementation is a purposeful and enabling set of activities designed to engage key stakeholders with research evidence to inform decision-making and generate sustained improvement in the quality of healthcare delivery. Components include a context analysis, the facilitation of practice change and evaluation of process and outcome.


Evidence Summaries


A JBI Evidence Summary is a comprehensive, concise, overview of the best clinical care practices that are updated annually.  Each Summary includes a clinically focused question; a brief summary of key points of evidence;an overview of the quality and level of evidence; and a series of key recommendations.


Evidence Synthesis


Evidence synthesis is the evaluation or analysis and collation of research evidence and opinion on a specific topic to aid in decision-making in health care. Components include systematic reviews, evidence summaries and guidelines.


Evidence Transfer


Evidence transfer is the coactive, participatory process to advance access to and uptake of evidence in local contexts. It is a causal phenomenon consisting of factors that enable, facilitate and support evidence implementation that is more than just a single interaction. It incorporates active dissemination, systems integration and education.  


Evidence Implementation Training Program (EITP)


The JBI Evidence Implementation Training Program (EITP) is a six-month program which involved two five-day intensive training workshops at JBI and a six-month evidence-based implementation project.  Participants develop and engage in processes to further develop their leadership skills and strengths, conduct clinical audits, develop and execute strategies to implement evidence-based practice in their own work environment.


Provides clinicians, managers, policy makers and quality managers in healthcare with proven approaches to implementing evidence into practice. 


 Always Evidence-based (lowercase 'b')


Evidence-based Healthcare (EBHC)


Process of using evidence to inform healthcare practices. JBI defines evidence-based healthcare as decision-making that considers the feasibility, appropriateness, meaningfulness and effectiveness of healthcare practices. The best available evidence, the context in which care is delivered, the individual patient and the professional judgement and expertise of the health professional inform this process.


Always Evidence-based (lowercase 'b'); Always 'Healthcare' (one word)


Evidence-based Recommended Practices


Step-by-step reliable evidence-based best practice standards and principals designed by clinicians for clinicians across clinical specialties in acute care, long-term care and rehabilitation therapy.


Expert Reference Group (ERG)


Expert Reference Groups support the JBI COnNECT+ and JBI EBP Database specialities. Each group consists of national and/or international members with experience and expertise in a speciality. Entry is by invitation, either by the Chair or JBI. Expert Reference groups meet up to four times per year via teleconference, and provide review / feedback on database content. 


F  -------------------------------


Field Collaborators


JBI Field Collaborators are a global community where the members play an integral role in developing and reviewing evidence-based resources that sit within the JBI EBP Database. As a professional activity, the program enables members to engage and collaborate with international experts within their selected field and contribute to the development of evidence-based resources for health professionals.


Foundation Evidence-based Clinical Fellowship Program


JBI offers four Evidence-based Clinical Fellowship Programs each year, with one open only to health professionals of outstanding merit from low and lower-middle income countries (LMIC) who are fully sponsored by the Joanna Briggs Foundation (JBF) to travel to Adelaide and work closely with JBI staff.


The Foundation EBCFP is tailored for each participant and provides the framework for key medical staff from LMIC to learn and use JBI methodologies and approaches to implement evidence in practice. JBI staff mentor each participant as they learn how to implement an evidence-based project to improve health care in their own work environment. In this way, JBI works towards its vision of a world in which the best available evidence is used to inform decision making at the point of care to improve health outcomes in communities globally. 


Fellows of this program are referred to as 'Foundation Fellows'.


G  -------------------------------


GRADE Workshop


Is a 1-day workshop  designed for systematic reviewers, guideline developers and others wanting to learn more about GRADE methodology, particularly the creation of Summary of Findings tables and Evidence Profiles. The course includes theory along with hands-on activities.


The GRADE approach reflects ‘best practice’ in terms of clinical guideline development and has been endorsed by organisations across the globe.


H  -------------------------------


I  -------------------------------


J  -------------------------------




JBI is an international research organisation based in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Adelaide, South Australia. JBI develops and delivers unique evidence-based information, software, education and training designed to improve healthcare practice and health outcomes.


JBIC Activity Matrix 


A framework that details the core and elective activities that JBIC Entities may undertake to maintain their JBI Collaborating Entity membership.


JBI Adelaide GRADE Centre


As the first GRADE Centre in Australia and New Zealand, the Centre is a central hub of GRADE related research and teaching in the region.  The Centre offers training in GRADE methods and contributes to the scientific development of GRADE methods.


JBI Buzz


JBI Buzz is a monthly newsletter which contains news stories from around the world relating to JBI and the JBI Collaboration; listing of JBI tools, resources and publications; and a global calendar of events that are hosted by JBI and Collaborating Entities.


JBI Collaboration (JBIC)


The JBI Collaboration (JBIC), is an international group of self-governing Collaborating Entities, initiated and coordinated through JBI, that promotes the synthesis, transfer and utilisation of evidence through identifying feasible, appropriate, meaningful, and effective healthcare practices to assist in the improvement of healthcare outcomes globally


JBI EBP Database (Ovid)


JBI's Evidence-based Practice Database is an online resource for healthcare professionals to rapidly access up to date high quality, reliable evidence on a wide range of clinical, andpolicy topics at the point of care, including 4500+ JBI Evidence Summaries, Recommended Practices and Best Practice Information Sheets (BPIS)


The JBI EBP Database available via OvidSP covers a wide range of medical, nursing, and health science specialties and includes a unique suite of information that’s been analysed, appraised, and prepared by expert reviewers at JBI so that health professionals can integrate the world’s best evidence into practice. The complete evidence-based practice content set includes:

  • Evidence Summaries

  • Evidence–based Recommended Practices

  • Best Practice Information Sheets



JBI Endorsement 


JBI Endorsement is a recognition awarded to healthcare organisations that demonstrate commitment to evidence-based healthcare and an organisational-wide culture of innovation and excellence.


JBI Endorsement can help provide your hospital, nursing home, clinic, or other healthcare service with the standards it needs to garner status as an organisation with the highest-quality healthcare practices.

As a JBI Endorsed organisation, not only will your organisation

demonstrate credibility to patients, clients, practitioners and

stakeholders but it will also benefit from a variety of other perks as a part of JBI’s global movement in evidence-based healthcare


Always refer to 'endorsed' or 'endorsement' as 'JBI Endorsed' and 'JBI Endorsement'


JBI Evidence Synthesis (JBI Journal)


JBI Evidence Synthesis is an official journal of JBI. It is an international peer-reviewed, online journal that publishes manuscripts encompassing evidence synthesis and healthcare. JBI Evidence Synthesis seeks to disseminate rigorous, high-quality research that provides the best available evidence to inform policy and practice through the science and conduct of systematic and scoping reviews. The journal publishes systematic and scoping review protocols, diverse types of systematic reviews, and scoping reviews covering multi-disciplinary healthcare-related topics that follow methodology and methods developed by JBI. The journal also publishes editorials, letters to the editor as well as original applied research and discussion papers examining synthesis methods. JBI Evidence Synthesis does not accept systematic reviews of in vitro or animal studies.


Never abbreviate the Journal in any external documentation or correspondence


JBI Helpdesk


A platform where JBI can easily receive, track, manage, and resolve support requests from users of our software, JBI SUMARI & JBI PACES


JBI Implementation Case Study


A JBI Implementation Case Study is one that follows JBI methodology and methods and utilises the JBI Practical Application of Clinical Evidence System (JBI-PACES) and is published in JBI Evidence Synthesis


JBI Methodology Groups


JBI Methodology Groups examine JBI methodologies in relation to the conduct of systematic reviews of different evidence types.


JBI Mission


To synthesise, transfer and facilitate the implementation of the best available evidence related to the feasibility, appropriateness, meaningfulness and effectiveness of health policy and practice.


JBI Model


The JBI Model of Evidence-based Healthcare was developed in 2005 and updated in 2016. The inner circle represents the pebble of knowledge while the “inner wedges” provide the Institutes conceptualisation of the steps involved in the process of achieving an evidence-based approach to clinical decision-making. The “outer wedges” operationalise the component parts of the model and articulate how they might be actioned in a pragmatic way.


JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis


The JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis is designed to provide authors with a comprehensive guide to conducting JBI systematic reviews. It describes in detail the process of planning, undertaking and writing up a systematic review of qualitative, quantitative,  economic, text and opinion based evidence. It also outlines JBI support mechanisms for those doing review work and opportunities for publication and training. The JBI Reviewers Manual should be used in conjunction with the JBI SUMARI Tutorials and FAQs.


JBI Systematic Review


A JBI Systematic Review follows JBI methodology for guidance and reports. There are currently 10 different types of JBI systematic reviews.


JBI Systematic Review Protocol


A JBI systematic review protocol describes the rationale, hypothesis, and planned methods of the review, follows JBI methodology and methods; utilises JBI- SUMARI; and is published in JBI Evidence Synthesis. It should be prepared before a review is started and used as a guide to carry out the review. Detailed protocols should be developed a priori, made publicly available, and registered in a registry such as PROSPERO.


JBI Trainers Portal


The JBI trainers portal is a repository for current teaching materials, guidance and resources for the CSRTP and EITP. It is only for accredited JBI trainers who are active members of the JBI Global Training Network.


JBI Vision


Better Evidence, Better Outcomes, Brighter Future.


JBIC Core Staff


JBIC Core Staff are those persons that are integral to the primary activities of any JBIC Entity. Including, but not limited to, persons that have an essential administrative role; that lead synthesis or implementation projects; that are key to delivering educational programs; and are key to fostering and establishing collaborations. Core staff members would normally work with a Collaborating Entity on an ongoing basis in a defined FTE capacity.


JBIC Entity


See 'Collaborating Entity'


JBIC Resource Portal


Stores information and documents for the use of the JBIC.  JBIC Resource Portal


N  -------------------------------




The JBI COnNECT+ clinical database and JBI EBP Database via Ovid SP are indexed by speciality healthcare and practice areas. Each speciality has a JBI academic lead and is supported by an Expert Reference Group and Corresponding Reference Group.


O  -------------------------------


Online Courses


JBI offers a range of educational online courses that are accredited for Continuing Professional Development in the USA. These courses include JBI Best Practice Interactive Clinical Courses, JBI Advanced Courses for Experienced Researchers and Evidence-based Practice Core Concept Courses.


JBI offers a range of educational courses online via our partner Wolters Kluwer Health. These courses are accredited continuing professional development courses in the USA.


P  -------------------------------


Practical Application of Clinical Evidence System (PACES)


JBI's online program to assist with clinical audit and practice change.


Postgraduate Research Degrees - Master of Clinical Science (Evidence-based Healthcare)


A postgraduate research degree that aims to train students in research methodologies and techniques specific to the needs of evidence-based healthcare, as well as the critical evaluation of evidence and research.


A research degree for training in research methodologies and techniques associated with evidence-based healthcare and in the critical evaluation of evidence and research offering supervision for candidates interested in skill development in: searching for; appraising; extracting and synthesising evidence; in conducting systematic reviews; and in translating evidence into action in health policy and clinical practice. 


Postgraduate Research Degrees – Doctor of Philosophy PhD (Evidence-based Healthcare)


A postgraduate research degree that aims to train independent researchers with the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to become active, independent contributors to the global development of evidence-based healthcare. 


 Successful PhD candidates are recognised for their capacity to contribute to evidence-based healthcare as demonstrated through their completion of a program of research on aspects of collaboration, synthesis, transfer and/or implementation science. The knowledge generated assists to inform current global trends, debates and knowledge in the field, and candidates are readily recognised for their contribution to knowledge via the JBI PhD program. All PhD students are offered supervisory support from scientific and research staff of JBI.




An International prospective register of systematic reviews.


R  -------------------------------


Rapid Appraisal Protocol internet database (RAPid)


JBI's online critical appraisal tool allowing submission of a completed paper to be peer reviewed.


Recommended Practices (RP)


Recommended practices are evidence-based procedures, that provide clear, step-by-step description for clinical practice across a wide range of care procedures.  JBI RP's are developed by an expert clinical review panel to confirm clinical relevance and currency.


Registered Titles


A list of registered systematic reviews that are currently underway.


S  -------------------------------


Scientific Writers


JBI Scientific Writers are persons external to the institute who play an integral role in updating JBI Evidence Summaries. Scientific Writers usually have a background in health and have applied to become a scientific writer for JBI. They are renumerated for updating evidence summaries. Scientific Writers become named updaters of the published Evidence Summaries


 Scientific Writers, facilitated by JBI Research Fellows, assist with updating Evidence Summaries. This work is performed remotely, at your own pace, and is tailored to suit your availability. Scientific Writers become named updaters of the published Evidence Summaries, have opportunity to learn JBI methods for rapid reviews of literature, gain skills in writing evidence-based healthcare content, and get paid a stipend based on the content they update.


Signing Date (Entity Agreement)


The date of execution by the last Party to the Entity Agreement


System for the Unified Management of the Assessment and Review of Information (SUMARI)


JBI SUMARI is an online software program that provides end-to-end support for researchers and health professionals to conduce a systematic review from anywhere in the world, facilitating 10 different types of systematic reviews from protocol to report


Pronounced 'summary'


T  -------------------------------


Train-the-Trainer: CSRTP


The JBI Train-theTrainer: CSRTP is designed to enable JBI Collaborating Entity staff to become accredited trainers,  to deliver the  CSRTP in a manner that maintains consistency in the teaching and learning processes employed, and to help ensure that trainers uphold the reputation and standing of JBI.


Train-the-Trainer: EITP (previously EBCFP)


The JBI Train-the-Trainer: EITP is designed to enable JBI Collaborating Entity staff to become accredited trainers,  to deliver the EICP in a manner that maintains consistency in the teaching and learning processes employed, and to help ensure that trainers uphold the reputation and standing of JBI.


W  -------------------------------


Wolters Kluwer Health/ Ovid


nameGlossary of Terms

JBI Glossary of Terms


The JBI Glossary of Terms has been developed by representatives of each division within JBI and approved by the JBI Executive Group. When referring to any JBI program, product, service, activity or general term you should consult the below table to ensure the correct spelling, definition and promotional message (where relevant) is used. 

Click on a heading below to read a full definition of the term and a description of how it should be worded in promotional messaging.



Promotional Message (for programs, products, services  only)


B  -------------------------------

Best Practice Information Sheets.

Brief, clinically focused overviews of the key methods and findings of high quality JBI reviews with a focus on supporting clinical care and decision-making

C  -------------------------------


CAN-IMPLEMENT© is an online resource that provides a practical guide to assist individuals and groups engage in adapting existing evidence-based practice guidelines used within their institution or community. 

The interactive manual provides practical guidance on how to adapt existing guidelines and recommendations for individual hospitals and communities and how to implement them. CAN-IMPLEMENT was developed as a practical guide to assist users who have made the strategic decision to adapt quality existing guidelines to their local context. The resource is useful for any guideline developer or adaptor, and is particularly geared towards those with less guideline development experience. Originally developed by the Canadian Guideline Adaption Study Group, this pragmatic and useful initiative is now available as part of the JBI EBP Suite of Resources on OvidSP

Clinical Fellows

Participants who completed the Evidence-based Clinical Fellowship Program (now Evidence Implementation Training Program) are referred to as Clinical Fellows of JBI.

Clinical Leadership Workshop

A one-day workshop that provides participants with information and practical techniques to create a more positive, personal and professional culture back in their workplace. It also helps participants to identify strategies that will assist in managing difficult behaviour, building productive teams and implementing change, thereby enabling effective leadership of projects and people.

Tagline: Unlock your leadership potential
Equips health professionals with the knowledge and tools required to be effective clinical leaders. This workshop is based on JBI's history over the past 20 years, together with the best available evidence regarding clinical leadership.

Clinical Online Network of Evidence for Care and Therapeutics (COnNECT+)

COnNECT+ is JBI's web-based facility that provides users with resources and tools to search, appraise, summarise, embed, utilise and evaluate evidence-based information.

Collaborating Entity

A JBI Centre of Excellence or a JBI Affiliated Group. Also referred to as a 'JBIC Entity'.

Always 'Centre' (not Center) when referring to a 'Centre of Excellence';  Always Collaborating Entity (capitalised);Use 'Entities' as a generic term, not 'Centres' (as JBI has Centres AND Groups). 

Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program (CSRTP)

A one, three or five day program which incorporates both theory and hands on experience so that participants learn how to develop a focused question, search for relevant literature, appraise and synthesise evidence arising from research. By the end of the program participants complete a protocol and are ready to commence their review.

Prepares researchers and clinicians to develop, conduct and report  systematic reviews in order to provide the strongest possible evidence to inform decision making or clinical guidelines in healthcare.

 Never 'systematic review training', i.e. always include 'Comprehensive'

Consultancy Services

The skills and expertise of JBI staff are provided in return for remuneration from an external funder.  Consultancy may cover activities such as expert opinion, analysis and process development. A research consultancy may result from a tender or individual negotiation.

Critical Appraisal Tools

JBI critical appraisal tools aid in the process of assessing the trustworthiness, relevance and results of published papers.

E  -------------------------------

Editorial Manager®

The online submission and review system for JBI Evidence Synthesis 

Editorial Advisory Board

JBI Evidence Synthesis is governed by an international editorial advisory board comprising leading practitioners and researchers within evidence-based healthcare from around the world. The role of the editorial advisory board is to guide the development of the journal and its future direction including the provision of advice and feedback on journal editorial policies, processes and content. Members of the editorial advisory board also advocate for the journal and promote its content; conduct periodical reviews of manuscripts submitted to the journal; and provide expert methodological and/or topical advice to the Editor-in-Chief on editorial issues.

Effective Start Date (Entity Agreement)

The date that the Entity Agreement legally begins (normally 1st January following the signing date).

Entity Affiliation

Full Entity name as per the Entity Agreement listed in required documents and databases (i.e. in the author affiliation on all publications and in peer reviewer Editorial Manager profiles).

Entity Agreement

The Collaborating Entity Legal Agreement signed between the University of Adelaide (for JBI) and the Entity host organisation.

Evidence Implementation 

Evidence implementation is a purposeful and enabling set of activities designed to engage key stakeholders with research evidence to inform decision-making and generate sustained improvement in the quality of healthcare delivery. Components include a context analysis, the facilitation of practice change and evaluation of process and outcome.

Evidence Summaries

A JBI Evidence Summary is a comprehensive, concise, overview of the best clinical care practices that are updated annually.  Each Summary includes a clinically focused question; a brief summary of key points of evidence;an overview of the quality and level of evidence; and a series of key recommendations.

Evidence Synthesis

Evidence synthesis is the evaluation or analysis and collation of research evidence and opinion on a specific topic to aid in decision-making in health care. Components include systematic reviews, evidence summaries and guidelines.

Evidence Transfer

Evidence transfer is the coactive, participatory process to advance access to and uptake of evidence in local contexts. It is a causal phenomenon consisting of factors that enable, facilitate and support evidence implementation that is more than just a single interaction. It incorporates active dissemination, systems integration and education.  

Evidence Implementation Training Program (EITP)

The JBI Evidence Implementation Training Program (EITP) is a six-month program which involved two five-day intensive training workshops at JBI and a six-month evidence-based implementation project.  Participants develop and engage in processes to further develop their leadership skills and strengths, conduct clinical audits, develop and execute strategies to implement evidence-based practice in their own work environment.

Provides clinicians, managers, policy makers and quality managers in healthcare with proven approaches to implementing evidence into practice. 

 Always Evidence-based (lowercase 'b')

Evidence-based Healthcare (EBHC)

Process of using evidence to inform healthcare practices. JBI defines evidence-based healthcare as decision-making that considers the feasibility, appropriateness, meaningfulness and effectiveness of healthcare practices. The best available evidence, the context in which care is delivered, the individual patient and the professional judgement and expertise of the health professional inform this process.

Always Evidence-based (lowercase 'b'); Always 'Healthcare' (one word)

Evidence-based Recommended Practices

Step-by-step reliable evidence-based best practice standards and principals designed by clinicians for clinicians across clinical specialties in acute care, long-term care and rehabilitation therapy.

Expert Reference Group (ERG)

Expert Reference Groups support the JBI COnNECT+ and JBI EBP Database specialities. Each group consists of national and/or international members with experience and expertise in a speciality. Entry is by invitation, either by the Chair or JBI. Expert Reference groups meet up to four times per year via teleconference, and provide review / feedback on database content. 

F  -------------------------------

Field Collaborators

JBI Field Collaborators are a global community where the members play an integral role in developing and reviewing evidence-based resources that sit within the JBI EBP Database. As a professional activity, the program enables members to engage and collaborate with international experts within their selected field and contribute to the development of evidence-based resources for health professionals.

Foundation Evidence-based Clinical Fellowship Program

JBI offers four Evidence-based Clinical Fellowship Programs each year, with one open only to health professionals of outstanding merit from low and lower-middle income countries (LMIC) who are fully sponsored by the Joanna Briggs Foundation (JBF) to travel to Adelaide and work closely with JBI staff.

The Foundation EBCFP is tailored for each participant and provides the framework for key medical staff from LMIC to learn and use JBI methodologies and approaches to implement evidence in practice. JBI staff mentor each participant as they learn how to implement an evidence-based project to improve health care in their own work environment. In this way, JBI works towards its vision of a world in which the best available evidence is used to inform decision making at the point of care to improve health outcomes in communities globally. 

Fellows of this program are referred to as 'Foundation Fellows'.

G  -------------------------------

GRADE Workshop

Is a 1-day workshop  designed for systematic reviewers, guideline developers and others wanting to learn more about GRADE methodology, particularly the creation of Summary of Findings tables and Evidence Profiles. The course includes theory along with hands-on activities.

The GRADE approach reflects ‘best practice’ in terms of clinical guideline development and has been endorsed by organisations across the globe.

H  -------------------------------

I  -------------------------------

J  -------------------------------


JBI is an international research organisation based in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Adelaide, South Australia. JBI develops and delivers unique evidence-based information, software, education and training designed to improve healthcare practice and health outcomes.

JBIC Activity Matrix 

A framework that details the core and elective activities that JBIC Entities may undertake to maintain their JBI Collaborating Entity membership.

JBI Adelaide GRADE Centre

As the first GRADE Centre in Australia and New Zealand, the Centre is a central hub of GRADE related research and teaching in the region.  The Centre offers training in GRADE methods and contributes to the scientific development of GRADE methods.

JBI Buzz

JBI Buzz is a monthly newsletter which contains news stories from around the world relating to JBI and the JBI Collaboration; listing of JBI tools, resources and publications; and a global calendar of events that are hosted by JBI and Collaborating Entities.

JBI Collaboration (JBIC)

The JBI Collaboration (JBIC), is an international group of self-governing Collaborating Entities, initiated and coordinated through JBI, that promotes the synthesis, transfer and utilisation of evidence through identifying feasible, appropriate, meaningful, and effective healthcare practices to assist in the improvement of healthcare outcomes globally

JBI EBP Database (Ovid)

JBI's Evidence-based Practice Database is an online resource for healthcare professionals to rapidly access up to date high quality, reliable evidence on a wide range of clinical, andpolicy topics at the point of care, including 4500+ JBI Evidence Summaries, Recommended Practices and Best Practice Information Sheets (BPIS)

The JBI EBP Database available via OvidSP covers a wide range of medical, nursing, and health science specialties and includes a unique suite of information that’s been analysed, appraised, and prepared by expert reviewers at JBI so that health professionals can integrate the world’s best evidence into practice. The complete evidence-based practice content set includes:

  • Evidence Summaries

  • Evidence–based Recommended Practices

  • Best Practice Information Sheets


JBI Endorsement 

JBI Endorsement is a recognition awarded to healthcare organisations that demonstrate commitment to evidence-based healthcare and an organisational-wide culture of innovation and excellence.

JBI Endorsement can help provide your hospital, nursing home, clinic, or other healthcare service with the standards it needs to garner status as an organisation with the highest-quality healthcare practices.

As a JBI Endorsed organisation, not only will your organisation

demonstrate credibility to patients, clients, practitioners and

stakeholders but it will also benefit from a variety of other perks as a part of JBI’s global movement in evidence-based healthcare

Always refer to 'endorsed' or 'endorsement' as 'JBI Endorsed' and 'JBI Endorsement'

JBI Evidence Synthesis (JBI Journal)

JBI Evidence Synthesis is an official journal of JBI. It is an international peer-reviewed, online journal that publishes manuscripts encompassing evidence synthesis and healthcare. JBI Evidence Synthesis seeks to disseminate rigorous, high-quality research that provides the best available evidence to inform policy and practice through the science and conduct of systematic and scoping reviews. The journal publishes systematic and scoping review protocols, diverse types of systematic reviews, and scoping reviews covering multi-disciplinary healthcare-related topics that follow methodology and methods developed by JBI. The journal also publishes editorials, letters to the editor as well as original applied research and discussion papers examining synthesis methods. JBI Evidence Synthesis does not accept systematic reviews of in vitro or animal studies.

Never abbreviate the Journal in any external documentation or correspondence

JBI Helpdesk

A platform where JBI can easily receive, track, manage, and resolve support requests from users of our software, JBI SUMARI & JBI PACES

JBI Implementation Case Study

A JBI Implementation Case Study is one that follows JBI methodology and methods and utilises the JBI Practical Application of Clinical Evidence System (JBI-PACES) and is published in JBI Evidence Synthesis

JBI Methodology Groups

JBI Methodology Groups examine JBI methodologies in relation to the conduct of systematic reviews of different evidence types.

JBI Mission

To synthesise, transfer and facilitate the implementation of the best available evidence related to the feasibility, appropriateness, meaningfulness and effectiveness of health policy and practice.

JBI Model

The JBI Model of Evidence-based Healthcare was developed in 2005 and updated in 2016. The inner circle represents the pebble of knowledge while the “inner wedges” provide the Institutes conceptualisation of the steps involved in the process of achieving an evidence-based approach to clinical decision-making. The “outer wedges” operationalise the component parts of the model and articulate how they might be actioned in a pragmatic way.

JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis

The JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis is designed to provide authors with a comprehensive guide to conducting JBI systematic reviews. It describes in detail the process of planning, undertaking and writing up a systematic review of qualitative, quantitative,  economic, text and opinion based evidence. It also outlines JBI support mechanisms for those doing review work and opportunities for publication and training. The JBI Reviewers Manual should be used in conjunction with the JBI SUMARI Tutorials and FAQs.

JBI Systematic Review

A JBI Systematic Review follows JBI methodology for guidance and reports. There are currently 10 different types of JBI systematic reviews.

JBI Systematic Review Protocol

A JBI systematic review protocol describes the rationale, hypothesis, and planned methods of the review, follows JBI methodology and methods; utilises JBI- SUMARI; and is published in JBI Evidence Synthesis. It should be prepared before a review is started and used as a guide to carry out the review. Detailed protocols should be developed a priori, made publicly available, and registered in a registry such as PROSPERO.

JBI Trainers Portal

The JBI trainers portal is a repository for current teaching materials, guidance and resources for the CSRTP and EITP. It is only for accredited JBI trainers who are active members of the JBI Global Training Network.

JBI Vision

Better Evidence, Better Outcomes, Brighter Future.

JBIC Core Staff

JBIC Core Staff are those persons that are integral to the primary activities of any JBIC Entity. Including, but not limited to, persons that have an essential administrative role; that lead synthesis or implementation projects; that are key to delivering educational programs; and are key to fostering and establishing collaborations. Core staff members would normally work with a Collaborating Entity on an ongoing basis in a defined FTE capacity.

JBIC Entity

See 'Collaborating Entity'

JBIC Resource Portal

Stores information and documents for the use of the JBIC.  JBIC Resource Portal

N  -------------------------------


The JBI COnNECT+ clinical database and JBI EBP Database via Ovid SP are indexed by speciality healthcare and practice areas. Each speciality has a JBI academic lead and is supported by an Expert Reference Group and Corresponding Reference Group.

O  -------------------------------

Online Courses

JBI offers a range of educational online courses that are accredited for Continuing Professional Development in the USA. These courses include JBI Best Practice Interactive Clinical Courses, JBI Advanced Courses for Experienced Researchers and Evidence-based Practice Core Concept Courses.

JBI offers a range of educational courses online via our partner Wolters Kluwer Health. These courses are accredited continuing professional development courses in the USA.

P  -------------------------------

Practical Application of Clinical Evidence System (PACES)

JBI's online program to assist with clinical audit and practice change.

Postgraduate Research Degrees - Master of Clinical Science (Evidence-based Healthcare)

A postgraduate research degree that aims to train students in research methodologies and techniques specific to the needs of evidence-based healthcare, as well as the critical evaluation of evidence and research.

A research degree for training in research methodologies and techniques associated with evidence-based healthcare and in the critical evaluation of evidence and research offering supervision for candidates interested in skill development in: searching for; appraising; extracting and synthesising evidence; in conducting systematic reviews; and in translating evidence into action in health policy and clinical practice. 

Postgraduate Research Degrees – Doctor of Philosophy PhD (Evidence-based Healthcare)

A postgraduate research degree that aims to train independent researchers with the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to become active, independent contributors to the global development of evidence-based healthcare. 

 Successful PhD candidates are recognised for their capacity to contribute to evidence-based healthcare as demonstrated through their completion of a program of research on aspects of collaboration, synthesis, transfer and/or implementation science. The knowledge generated assists to inform current global trends, debates and knowledge in the field, and candidates are readily recognised for their contribution to knowledge via the JBI PhD program. All PhD students are offered supervisory support from scientific and research staff of JBI.


An International prospective register of systematic reviews.

R  -------------------------------

Rapid Appraisal Protocol internet database (RAPid)

JBI's online critical appraisal tool allowing submission of a completed paper to be peer reviewed.

Recommended Practices (RP)

Recommended practices are evidence-based procedures, that provide clear, step-by-step description for clinical practice across a wide range of care procedures.  JBI RP's are developed by an expert clinical review panel to confirm clinical relevance and currency.

Registered Titles

A list of registered systematic reviews that are currently underway.

S  -------------------------------

Scientific Writers

JBI Scientific Writers are persons external to the institute who play an integral role in updating JBI Evidence Summaries. Scientific Writers usually have a background in health and have applied to become a scientific writer for JBI. They are renumerated for updating evidence summaries. Scientific Writers become named updaters of the published Evidence Summaries

 Scientific Writers, facilitated by JBI Research Fellows, assist with updating Evidence Summaries. This work is performed remotely, at your own pace, and is tailored to suit your availability. Scientific Writers become named updaters of the published Evidence Summaries, have opportunity to learn JBI methods for rapid reviews of literature, gain skills in writing evidence-based healthcare content, and get paid a stipend based on the content they update.

Signing Date (Entity Agreement)

The date of execution by the last Party to the Entity Agreement

System for the Unified Management of the Assessment and Review of Information (SUMARI)

JBI SUMARI is an online software program that provides end-to-end support for researchers and health professionals to conduce a systematic review from anywhere in the world, facilitating 10 different types of systematic reviews from protocol to report

Pronounced 'summary'

T  -------------------------------


Trainer Accreditation Program: CSRTP



Trainer Accreditation Program: CSRTP is designed to enable JBI Collaborating Entity staff to become accredited trainers,  to deliver the  CSRTP in a manner that maintains consistency in the teaching and learning processes employed, and to help ensure that trainers uphold the reputation and standing of JBI.


Trainer Accreditation Program: EITP (previously EBCFP)



Trainer Accreditation Program: EITP is designed to enable JBI Collaborating Entity staff to become accredited trainers,  to deliver the EICP in a manner that maintains consistency in the teaching and learning processes employed, and to help ensure that trainers uphold the reputation and standing of JBI.

W  -------------------------------

Wolters Kluwer Health/ Ovid

The global commercial distributor of JBI's Evidence-based practice resources and tools and JBI online educational courses. 

JBI receives research revenue from our industry partner Wolters Kluwer Health

JBI adopts a hybrid, integrated approach to research and development that includes strong industry partnerships that drive the conduct of conceptual, methodological and applied research and innovation to drive impact in policy and practice.