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How to invite participants to your project

NOTE:  When considering inviting participants to your projects, it is important to remember that you can only collaborate with other JBI SUMARI users who have an active JBI SUMARI subscription.  Please ensure they have an active subscription BEFORE inviting to collaborate on your project.  Kindly refer to "How do I subscribe to JBI SUMARI" in the Basics of JBI SUMARI page.

To invite participants to your project

  • Select [Overview] from the top menu bar

  • Select [Participants]

  • Add the name and email address of the other members of your team and select [Invite]. A message should appear at the top of the screen notifying you that the person was successfully invited.

  • Once invited, the project owner can assign them a role. Invitees can be privileged authors, authors or reviewers.

Please note, that every invited member to a JBI SUMARI project MUST have their own, paid access to JBI SUMARI. If you have invited participants who do not have their own JBI SUMARI account, they will not be eligible to join your project.

For a full description of permissions and access associated with each JBI SUMARI user role, please view the Permissions table on the Basics of JBI SUMARI page.

Inviting participants to a project

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titleWho can invite participants to the project?

The project owner can only collaborate with other JBI SUMARI users who have an active JBI SUMARI subscription.  Please ensure they have an active subscription BEFORE inviting to collaborate on your project.  Kindly refer to "How do I subscribe to JBI SUMARI" in the Basics of JBI SUMARI page.

The level of access the invitee can be assigned is up to the discretion of the project owner.

Please note, that each, individual user will need their own access to JBI SUMARI and access cannot be shared between users.

titleWhy can’t I accept an invitation to participate in a project?

If you have been invited to a project and cannot accept your invitation it may be because your invitation link may have expired. Invitation links only remain ‘open’ for a short period of time. If you are experiencing this issue, the project owner may cancel your current (inactive) invitation and re-invite you using the same email address.

For users accessing JBI SUMARI via their institution/Ovid, please note that every time you want to accept an invitation or work within your JBI SUMARI account you will first need to login via your Institution library and Ovid account.

Please refer to this Ovid user guide "How To Accept SUMARI Review Participation Invitation Via An Ovid Account".

titleHow can I manage my project invitations?

Users are able to access and manage their project invitations in JBI SUMARI.

  • To do this select [Project invitations] from the [User Menu]

  • Here a user can see all the projects they have been invited to. The details provided for each project includes the project name and the project owner. The user can choose to accept or decline a pending project invitation

  • To accept an invitation, select [Accept]. Once accepted the project is moved to the ‘Accepted’ section and the user can click on the project title to enter the project. Alternatively, if the user does not want to accept the invitation, the [Decline] button is selected. A pop-up message confirming the user’s decision to decline the project appears and once confirmed it is moved to the Declined section and the project  cannot be accessed

Please note: as indicated above, if a user decides to accept or decline an invitation that has expired a message will appear explaining the link has expired and to contact the project owner.

titleCan I change project ownership for my project?
  • The project owner is able to change ownership of a project by selecting [Change] next to the project owners’ details in the [Participants] section under [Overview]

  • The project owner will be prompted to select an active participant of the project from the drop down menu who will become the new project owner.

  • Once chosen, select [Confirm]

Please note: only the new project owner will be able to revert this decision or remove the previous project owner as a participant to the project.

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titleWhat are the permissions for participants on my project?

Project Owner

Privileged Author




Can invite participants





Can edit roles allocated to participants





Can edit project owner






Can view the protocol builder





Can edit the protocol section headings and text





Study Selection

Can create and import studies for screening





Can change the number of times each record needs to be screened





Can decide who can manage conflicts





Can view the studies





Can perform study screening





Can resolve screening conflicts






Can conduct a preliminary critical appraisal





Can conduct final (third) critical appraisal





Can view/edit own final critical appraisal results





Data Extraction

Can conduct data extraction





Can view final data extraction results





an edit own final data extraction results





Can edit any final data extraction results






Can perform qualitative synthesis





Can perform meta-analysis





Any questions? Please visit the JBI Help Desk for SUMARI support

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