JBC Mentorship Program
JBI recognises that mentorship can be an important and effective strategy for building skills and capacity across the JBC. JBI believes that group mentorship can produce a wide array of positive outcomes for both mentors and mentees and contribute to group cohesion and a sense of belonging to a strong organisational identity . The JBC Mentorship activity is an opportunity for the JBI and JBC to collectively build support systems, learning and development for new and existing Entities and to improve efficiency, productivity and the passing on of corporate knowledge and leadership .
Mentorship within the JBC may be between:
a) Centres of Excellence
b) Centres of Excellence and Affiliated Groups
c) Centres of Excellence and proposed Affiliated Groups where the mentee group are preparing to join the JBC as an Affiliated Group
Each Mentor Centre must work with their Mentee group/s to complete this Annual Review of Progress Report, to be submitted with their JBC Entity Annual Report by 31 January each year.