Appendices should be numbered using Roman numerals in the order in which they have been referred to in the body of the text. While reviewers may choose to develop additional appendices for details that are unfeasible to present in the main body of the report, there are two required appendices for a JBI text and opinion review:
Appendix I: Search strategy
A detailed and complete search strategy for all of the major databases and other sites and sources searched must be appended. Major databases that were searched must be identified, including the search platform used where necessary. All search filters with logic employed should be displayed, including the number of records returned.
Appendix II: Data extraction instrument
The data extraction instrument used must be appended (see the template in Appendix 4.3)
Appendix III: Excluded studies
Insert table of excluded studies. Where studies have been excluded based on not meeting inclusion criteria or being of insufficient quality, these need to be listed separately.
Appendix IV: List of study findings / conclusions / characteristics of included studies
A table of included studies is crucial to allow a snapshot of the studies included in the review.