2.4.7 Updating the Search
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2.4.7 Updating the Search

When initiating searches, consider the possibility of future updates of the searches. Sometimes, search alerts or searches saved in the native databases may be set up at the same time as the initial searches are performed. This can save time in the long run and prevent unnecessary deduplication of search results or the elimination of duplicate information. A final search of the databases may also be needed if the length of time has elapsed between the start of your review and your preparation to write up the final paper, if search alerts have not been used or if changes need to be made to accommodate new vocabulary or relevant search terms. The JBI Evidence Synthesis journal will not accept systematic reviews where the search is older than 12 months from the date of submission, as stated in the JBI Evidence Synthesis Information for Authors.

Where possible, and especially for rapidly changing topics, 6 months is the ideal, although it is not required (Higgins et al. 2018). You may also wish to use this as an opportunity for refining your search again, not including search terms or databases that were not fruitful during the initial stages of your search, although any changes to the search should be explained within either the description of the search methods in the final review or in the appendix.


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