Example inclusion criteria
How the PICo elements of a review question are presented in the inclusion criteria is illustrated below on this example taken from Rittenmeyer and colleagues (2012) addressing the objective of nurses experiences with lateral and horizontal violence (see Section 2.6.2).
Inclusion Criteria
Types of Participants
This review will consider studies that include licensed nurses and student nurses. For purposes of this review 'licensed nurse' refers to a nurse who holds a license to practice nursing at any level. Due to the ambiguity of nomenclature, different titles for licensed nurse will be considered, including but not limited to registered nurse, practical nurse, vocational nurse.
Phenomena of Interest
The phenomenon of interest for this review is the actual experience of horizontal/lateral violence.
This review will consider any setting where licensed or student nurses practice.
Types of studies
This review will consider studies that focus on qualitative data including, but not limited to, designs such as phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and action research. Descriptive qualitative studies that describe the experience or describe the effects of the experience will also be considered.