7.3.7 Results
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7.3.7 Results

The findings of the review should flow logically from the review objective/question i.e. they must ultimately answer the question! Findings should be extracted using JBI SUMARI and a narrative, tabular, graphical or meta-analysis should constitute part of this section. Reporting of results, as suggested by previous research, can include graphical summaries of study estimates and any combined estimate, a table listing descriptive information for each study, results of sensitivity testing and any subgroup analysis, and an indication of statistical uncertainty of findings.

This section should allow the reader to clearly follow how the included studies were identified and selected for inclusion in the review. In addition, the number of papers excluded should also be stated. There should be a narrative description of the process accompanied by a flowchart of the review process (from the PRISMA statement) detailing the flow from the search, through study selection, duplicates, full text retrieval, and any additions from 3rd search, appraisal, extraction and synthesis.

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