Section 2: Evidence implementation projects using an evidence-based audit and feedback approach: the JBI Implementation Framework
Section 2: Evidence implementation projects using an evidence-based audit and feedback approach: the JBI Implementation Framework
Zachary Munn, Alexa McArthur, Kylie Porritt, Lucylynn Lizarondo, Sandeep Moola, Craig Lockwood.
How to cite:
Munn Z, McArthur A, Porritt K, Lizarondo L, Moola S, Lockwood C. Evidence implementation projects using an evidence-based audit and feedback approach: the JBI Implementation Framework. In: Porritt K, McArthur A, Lockwood C, Munn Z (Editors). JBI Handbook for Evidence Implementation. JBI, 2020. Available from: https://implementationmanual.jbi.global.