Section 2: Evidence implementation projects using an evidence-based audit and feedback approach: the JBI Implementation Framework

Section 2: Evidence implementation projects using an evidence-based audit and feedback approach: the JBI Implementation Framework

Zachary Munn, Alexa McArthur, Kylie Porritt, Lucylynn Lizarondo, Sandeep Moola, Craig Lockwood.

How to cite

Munn Z, McArthur A, Porritt K, Lizarondo L, Moola S, Lockwood C. Evidence implementation projects using an evidence-based audit and feedback approach: the JBI Implementation Framework. In: Porritt K, McArthur A,  Lockwood C, Munn Z (Editors). JBI Handbook for Evidence Implementation. JBI, 2020. Available from: https://implementationmanual.jbi.global


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