Conflict of Interest

All contributors to the JBI EBP Database are required to complete a Conflict of Interest (COI) Declaration.

If no COI is declared the declaration is stored confidentially at JBI.  All contributors are advised to complete a new COI should their circumstances change.

If a contributor declares a COI, the responsible Field Editor will table this at the next scheduled Field Editors’ Meeting.  The editors will discuss appropriate strategies to mitigate the COI which may include:

·         Declining the services of the contributor

·         Restricting the topics on which the contributor provides input

·         Acknowledging the nature of the COI on any resources that the contributor provides input

·         Any other strategies deemed appropriate by the Field Editors.

The outcome of the meeting is recorded and stored with the Contributor’s COI.  The contributor is also advised of the outcome via email. All information is stored on secure JBI servers.