Frequently Asked Questions

Please read through the below list of FAQs derived from the establishment of new JBI Affiliated Groups. If you have an additional query that is not answered below, please contact the Global Engagement Office 

There are no fees associated with becoming an Affiliated Group. In return for your agreement to meet certain KPIs over the course of your five-year agreement (namely the publication of three systematic reviews or implementation case studies in JBI Evidence Synthesis  / JBI Evidence Implementation - JBI’s Journal) we provide complimentary access to JBI’s full suite of tools and resources for the Group Convenor and up to 10 core staff members. 

All of the terms and conditions associated with membership are detailed in the JBI Collaboration Handbook.

A minimum of three people that have completed JBI CSRTP or EITP are required to start an Affiliated Group as the core team. However, it is advisable that you recruit others, even students, to collaborate with as you grow to meet the KPIs of being an Affiliated Group.

Full-time equivalent (FTE) is a unit that indicates the workload of an employed person in a way that makes workloads comparable across various contexts. FTE is often used to measure an employee’s involvement in a project or activity. An FTE of 1.0 is equivalent to a full-time worker while an FTE of 0.5 signals half of a full work load. This concept is used to convert the hours worked by several part-time employees into the hours worked by full-time employees. JBI asks prospective Groups to project the FTE capacity of their Core Staff members to ensure that a prospective Group has adequate human resource, and support within their host institution, to undertake JBI activity.

The relevant authority of your host institution is responsible for signing the Collaborating Entity Legal Agreement i.e. University/Faculty Dean, Legal representative, Hospital/Department, Director etc., this is different within every organisation.

Affiliated Groups are required to accrue a minimum of 40,000 points from activities within the JBIC Activity Matrix (refer to the JBI Collaboration Handbook), by the completion of their Legal Agreement with JBI. Affiliated Groups may accrue points across the full range of activities outlined in the Matrix without restriction.