The JBI Handbook for Evidence Implementation provides guidance to health professionals, researchers and public health practitioners planning to implement evidence into their setting. This is the 1st edition of the JBI Handbook for Evidence Implementation. The handbook includes separate sections devoted to different approaches towards evidence implementation.
Purpose of this Handbook
The JBI Handbook for Evidence Implementation is intended to provide an overview of JBI-endorsed approaches to getting evidence into practice. There are many different approaches that can be used to implement evidence into healthcare or community settings. This handbook covers some of the approaches utilized within JBI that can inform clinicians striving to get evidence into practice.
In particular, this handbook is aimed at participants undertaking the JBI Clinical Fellowship Program and health professionals and organizations wanting to implement evidence into practice or their organization. The handbook serves as both a resource to contribute to the field of implementation science and as a practical guide for those who are currently undertaking or planning to undertake an evidence implementation project.
This handbook intends to cover the broad spectrum of evidence implementation approaches. The first introductory section situates implementation science within the broader evidence-based healthcare (EBHC) context. This section explains in detail the JBI model and our approach to evidence implementation from a theoretical perspective, while highlighting some key elements that we deem critical for any evidence implementation activity.
The following sections cover the various approaches that JBI currently use and endorse for evidence implementation. Section 2 of the handbook provides a detailed guide for evidence implementation projects using an audit and feedback approach informed by the JBI Implementation Framework as seen in the JBI Clinical Fellowship Program.
In the future, additional sections will be included, such as using a guideline development/adaptation process, as seen in JBI CAN-IMPLEMENT, clinical decision support systems, action research and journal clubs.
How to cite
Porritt K, McArthur A, Lockwood C, Munn Z (Editors). JBI Handbook for Evidence Implementation. JBI, 2019. Available from: https://xxxxxx