The framework originally proposed by Arksey and O’Malley (2005) has been influential in the conduct of scoping reviews. Their framework has been further enhanced by the work of Levac and colleagues (2010) (see Table 11.2). Levac and colleagues (2010) provide more explicit detail regarding what occurs at each stage of the review process and this enhancement increases both the clarity and rigor of the review process. Both of these frameworks have underpinned the development of the JBI approach to the conduct of scoping reviews (Peters et al. 2015).
Table 11.2: Scoping review frameworks
Arksey and O’Malley framework
(2005, p. 22-23)
Enhancements proposed by Levac et al. (2010, p. 4-8)
*Enhancements proposed by Peters et al (2015, 2017, 2020).
Identifying the research question
Clarifying and linking the purpose and research question
Defining and aligning the objective/s and question/s
Identifying relevant studies
Balancing feasibility with breadth and comprehensiveness of the scoping process
Developing and aligning the inclusion criteria with the objective/s and question/s
Study selection
Using an iterative team approach to selecting studies and extracting data
Describing the planned approach to evidence searching, selection, data extraction, and presentation of the evidence.
Charting the data
Incorporating a numerical summary and qualitative thematic analysis
Searching for the evidence
Collating, summarizing and reporting the results
Identifying the implications of the study findings for policy, practice or research
Selecting the evidence
Consultation (optional)
Adopting consultation as a required component of scoping study methodology
Extracting the evidence
Analysis of the evidence
Presentation of the results
Summarizing the evidence in relation to the purpose of the review, making conclusions and noting any implications of the findings
*Consultation of information scientists, stakeholders and/or experts throughout, including in the topic prioritization, planning, execution and dissemination