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The JBI Reviewer's Manual provides guidance to authors for the conduct and preparation of JBI systematic reviews and evidence syntheses. The JBI Reviewer's Manual has separate chapters devoted synthesis of different types of evidence and to address different types of review questions. 

This is the 4th Edition of the JBI Reviewer's Manual and the first version to be produced an published online in .html.


This version of the JBI Reviewer's Manual includes changes that correspond to the latest methodological developments determined by the JBI Methodology Groups and JBI Scientific Committee, the latest developments with the JBI SUMARI software ( and also feedback by users.

To stay up to date with methods appropriate for JBI systematic reviews, it is recommended potential reviewer's attend the JBI Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program ( or undertake the available online modules ( 


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How to cite

Aromataris E, Munn Z (Editors). Joanna Briggs Institute Reviewer's Manual. The Joanna Briggs Institute, 2017. Available from