Once you have successfully logged in to JBI PACES,
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Click on +Add Criteria OR At this point, you have the opportunity to do the following by hovering over and selecting the following icons: Document icon (paper) - Add a criteria guide: Edit icon (pencil) - Edit the audit criteria Delete icon (bin) - delete audit criteria
If you do make any changes, be sure to Save Click Next when done.
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Add the site (or sites) that will be data collection sites for your implementation project. Click on drop down arrow for existing sites, Either Select an existing site from the list or click Create New Site
IMPORTANT NOTE(S): Adding sites during a project: Additional sites can be added whilst a project is in progress, including when data collection has already begun/concluded for at least one cycle. This is a Project Administrator level role, and is a manual process. Adding additional sites requires the Project Administrator to go into the project, choose settings from the menu, and then sites from the left side of page, the drop down enables a Project Administrator to add extra sites to the project at this point. Note: new sites will only be able to contribute data in future data collection cycles. Groups can ‘work around’ this by, creating an additional data collection period to replace a ‘current/active’ data collection period. Any data that had already been added will need to be manually re-added by the Project Administrator. |
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If you are the only one entering data, click Next. If you have members of your project team helping with data collection, click + Add Participants.
IMPORTANT NOTE(S): When inviting a Project Administrator or a Project Coordinator, they will need fully licensed access to PACES (with their own username and password). Please refer to Permissions Table, under the Frequently Asked Questions section of the Basics of JBI PACES page, and also the How Can I Access JBI PACES? Data Collectors, however do not require a subscription to access and, when invited to a project for data entry only will be emailed a Tokenized URL and the project key to allow data entry.
To Add Participants: Image RemovedImage Added |
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The Project Type is essentially where you choose how you will be collecting your data: Multiple Data Collection Periods (Create multiple data collection periods for comparison such as a pre-test post-test study, as part of an audit and feedback project, or quality improvement cycles). Select the Start Date by clicking on the Calendar tool Select the Sampling Type - either Target Sample Size / Ad-Hoc / Consecutive Under Schedule Data Collection Period Enter the frequency of data collection Enter the total number of Data Collection Periods Select your Baseline Data Collection period (or date range) using the Calendar tool